Newbie needs his D-Link wireless 802.11b USB adapter

All kernel questions! 2.4 or new 2.6 kernel, compiling, modules, panics, etc.

Newbie needs his D-Link wireless 802.11b USB adapter

Postby thepupil » 14 Dec 2004, 05:35

I have the file from I'm trying to get this working on a fresh YDL 3.0 installation on an old iMac.

All of the instructions I see say something about updating the kernel, but I haven't the foggiest notion of how to begin doing that. Once I get that done, I need to know how to find the kernel's source directory I guess.

I'll take whatever help I can get. This community has always saved my retarded monkeywrenching butt before...hopefully someone will have the magic bullet answer to this problem too. thanks guys.

Postby StarKnight83 » 14 Dec 2004, 14:28

Well unless you want to fight w/ also upgrading about have the packages/libs that the kernel depends on then I'd say just upgrade to ydl 4.0 If you still want to try it download the vanilla souce from get 2.6.9 as its the latest. unpack it and somewhere in the docs file in there is a list of the deps for the new kernel.. You also need to read the README and INSTALL files as building and installing a 2.6.x kernel is different then any previous version
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