sound on mac g4 800 with yellowdog 4

Any problems with the Xserver, Configs or Sound.

sound on mac g4 800 with yellowdog 4

Postby davidfree » 22 Dec 2004, 23:08

i'have a problem with sound and i tried to it repair with the previous post, preferences /sound, change to OSS, and rebbot, but doesn't work , in soundcard dettection my compiuter detected an apple soundcard, but the sound prove not function, (mmm, sorry for my english please), when i installed the soft YDL the installer make a sound prove, and it function correctly, but whe tne installation was finished don't funtion the sound, the players detected a cd and connet to database for the tittles of songs, any idea?


Hola, bueno si alguien escribe en castellano o lo sabe se enterará mejor, el problema es que durante la instalacion si que hizo una prueba de sonido que funciono con una guitarra y eso, pero al acabar la instalacion me di cuenta de que el sonido no funcionaba, la configuracion del sistema detecta una tarjeta de sonido Apple, pero cuando realiza la prueba no funciona (y tengo los altavoces a tope), he realizado los cambios q han escrito en un post anterior y he reinciado la maquina, me ha realizado dos bips de aviso, uno al volver a poner el usuario(que ya lo hacia antes) y otro durante el arranque del sistema, me ha abierto el reproductor de cd's y se ha puesto a reproducir, pero nada, sigue sin haber sonido, encuentro que a mucha gente le ha pasado esto, pero no tengo ninguna solucion, soy usuario novato en linux y no se que hacer mas, venga
un saludo a todos y...Feliz Navidad!

Postby southpawami » 23 Dec 2004, 05:10

Same here... i have a similar system, that is a G3 900 iBook... and I'm having sound problems... if and when I get it working, I'll tell you how I did it.

By the way, did you update you kernel via yum update?

Postby southpaw » 23 Dec 2004, 05:16

Actually, let me be more specific. I have the EXACT same problem you do. The sound worked perfectly every install and the sound didn't work once while running. However, I'm sure it will work eventually, and as I said, when I figure out what makes it work, I'll post it.
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Postby san_bloqueo » 23 Dec 2004, 12:54

i have exactly the same problem.
i installed ydl 4.0 on powerbook 15.
the soundcard is detected but no sound available.
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Postby davidfree » 23 Dec 2004, 22:19

no i'm a new linux usr, i don't know to update the system, or kernel, but i think that is a possible solution, how i do this action? how i make an update?

thanks for your reply

Postby southpaw » 23 Dec 2004, 22:41

Yea, I know what you mean. Just last night I updated the kernel... and the sound still doesn't work. I've tried OSS and ALSA, with zilch luck. In fact, I've spent so much time on this sound issue, I'm think I'm going to concentrate time on moving stuff I need into YDL from OSX in preparation for when YDL fully works(that is... works with sound in everything).

Blender(3D animation, ) and Wings3D(3D animation, ) are two popular open source applications that I am clueless as to why they aren't included on the install disks. Between downloading and installing them, moving all the documents over to the shared partition, transferring im access to GAIM, trying to get a yahoo chat client like yahelite working, transferring addresses to an address book of sorts is the best I can hope for now.

I mean, once you manually change the display type to LCD, and then change to millions of colors, there's really nothing else you can do for the hardware. The autodetect is pretty good in that respect. It even seems to detect wireless networks without issue... I find that impressive. Which makes it a lot better than early versions of jaguar os x which made wireless networks a pain(atleast from my experience), but eons behind current versions of panther without any type of sound.

The only place sound works, is beeping in say the ctrl+opt+fn+f1 , which atleast tells me the terminal aspect works.(ctrl+opt+fn+f7 to back to GUI)
Although, I haven't tested to see if that was just 8-bit, or if it just does that at any time.

The most logical conclusion I can come up with, knowing that the sound works perfectly during install, and never during actual use, is that there is a service blocking the sound detection. I am unsure of what this service would be... but I know for sure that I've spent too much time trying to get sound to work already.

By the way, GIMP 2.2 was just realeased for linux. Since YDL 4.0 comes with GIMP 2.04, you'll see a lot of difference in using 2.2. (no, i didn't see a ppc version)

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Postby southpaw » 23 Dec 2004, 23:02


To make a kernel update, you go to the command line (ctl+opt(+fn)+f1 only add the fn to the keyboard sequence for laptops, like newer iBooks). Once there, you run a command 'yum' with 'update' as its arguement. That is, you just type [ yum update ] while connected to the net, and yum will search for updates, and ask you if you want to install them. Now, on my iBook(G3 900 640MB/32MB) I've had constant problems with yum update working with all the downloads at once. So, I'd suggest if you have problems with the 3rd, 4th, or 5th update freezing on you, just press ctl+C and then type [ reset ] , then type [ yum check-update ] << i think that's the right arguement, then that command will list the updates that you need. And you can type [ yum update kernel ] where kernel is the name of the file you need to update. or [ yum update kernel-g5 ] is another example.

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Postby southpaw » 23 Dec 2004, 23:07


I forgot to mention that you have to be root user.

At the command line, just login in with your name and password, then type [ su - ] and then type your root password, then you'll be root. Then the commands in the previous post should work fine.

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Postby davidfree » 25 Dec 2004, 21:33

hi southpaw, thanks for your comments, but i tell you the results:

1-when i tried to update the kernel, i type ctrl+alt(option)+F1 appears my monitor in mode console, report and error in console that is "packet command error: error 0x50 (and 51 in other lines) DriveReady seekcomplete error", and don't respon to ctrl+c on another command, only return to x window with ctrl+option+F5

2- i just update with terminal application, yeah allright, but only update mozilla, no results for the kernel.

Very thanks for your comments, i'm happy.


smiles... got a tip for ya...

Postby southpaw » 27 Dec 2004, 06:24


The .iso's (cd format) on the various servers for yellow dog linux get compiled probably about once a month. For example, I installed on Oct 2004 ydl 4.0 disks, and then my 1st install cd cracked. So i downloaded an .iso for disk number 1, burned a cd via disk utility in applications of macosx, and went to reboot and install. When I was asked for the 2nd disk, i inserted it, but it said wrong disk... i cleaned it, tried other cds, but it kept saying that. So upon investigation I found that the .iso was a november .iso, and my other cds were an october .iso.

So that's the thing... debian sarge (another linux distro with a ppc version) may get a new cd image(.iso-*net install* > ... c/current/ < ) every week, but ydl does get updated on the .iso's. The november .iso's have 2.6.8 kernel(as the 2.6.9 kernel came out in dec 11th > ... g-4.0/ppc/ < ) ... but if there's a december .iso by the beginning of January, it will probably have the 2.6.9 kernel. So soon, you should be able to download an iso soon with the 2.6.9 kernel and just install ydl again(if your willing to install it again, that is), and then your less likely to have sound issues(hopefully :-) ) .

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kai staats gave me a clue on the sound

Postby southpawami » 27 Dec 2004, 19:47


I've just installed using the november .iso's, so I can't guarantee this will work on the earlier versions. Still, Kai Staats told me that I likely only needed to edit sound in kMix for sound. So I went there and tested back and forth on my iBook G3 900... which apparently is very similar in hardware to your 800. This is what you need for sound, IF the sound worked fine in install on your laptop, Volume AND Pcm controls up. If Pcm isn't up, your volume doesn't matter at all. Although Speaker and Mix seem to each add a little fullness to the laptop speakers, though that could be my imagination, but without Pcm, there is no sound whatsoever. Treble, Bass, and Pcm2 are basically worthless on these laptop speakers, from what I've found.

This is all with the auto-config on sound, no changes.


Postby southpawami » 28 Dec 2004, 05:14

i should mention that will fix the hardware check... but the sound won't work in something practical like kscd after just fiddlin' with kMix.

Postby unsigned_nerd » 02 Jan 2005, 16:28

I also have some problems about sound in YDL 4.0 on iBook G3 800MHz. When I login ed to KDE, the window pops up and says that there are some problems about sound. Then I started xmms to find that the Segmentation Fault had occured. After that, I tried `play' ant it worked!!! .wav, .au are the sound typed that I tried.

There something about `play' :D

Have a try !
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Postby hexstar » 05 Jan 2005, 22:30

guys, look before posting, there's already a thread about this here:
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The title of the thread your referring to says 'upgrade'

Postby southpaw » 05 Jan 2005, 22:49


Not that I live to be completely technical, hexstar, but that says upon upgrade. I never upgraded to ydl 4.0. Ydl 4.0 has been my only experience of ydl. In that experience, I've never been able to successfully upgrade to kernel 2.6.9, no matter how many times I nano the yaboot, nothing ever seems to change, and sound has never worked in the gui.

I, also, replied to that discussion you posted, before posts to this thread even. However, the title of this thread seemed more appropriate to my situation.


*however, in ydl's defense, the resolution and display of XGA on my iBook, after manually selecting LCD, is superb.
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