Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby Jaybps3 » 16 Apr 2015, 08:25

Is there any others out there still using theirs? I haven't done much on mine lately but I have been thinking of playing around on it some more, was wondering if any others still playing with theirs. :D
60GB PS3 (CECHA01) upgraded HDD 160gb, 40" Sony Bravia, Ydl 6 and plenty of other goodies :)
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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby relet » 22 Apr 2015, 08:00

Yes, I have two! Both working greatly, they are programming power houses indeed. I am running C++ with GNU Octave, and g++ to the spus :D
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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby ppietro » 23 Apr 2015, 20:58


I've still got mine. Haven't done much with it lately - but that's just because I'm busy. I've also got a Mac G4 I need to install Yellow Dog onto - that busy thing again.

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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby Jaybps3 » 27 Apr 2015, 07:34

I know the feeling, good to see some still have theirs in working order!
60GB PS3 (CECHA01) upgraded HDD 160gb, 40" Sony Bravia, Ydl 6 and plenty of other goodies :)
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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby RagingAvatar » 22 Dec 2016, 16:54

Yep, me too! I've just joined this forum in fact to start getting moving (finally) on writing more SPU stuff :-)
I'm sure there's a mine of information on this forum for me to delve into :-)
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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby lynx » 15 Dec 2017, 20:51

I'm also new here trying to compile my custom kernel with the last working version 3.15 from git. But failed so far with make, will keep on. 8)

I'm also heavily interested in programming the Cell. So far I still miss spu-tools, command in console won't work, it was there in 6.1. Anyone knows what happened with it?

PS3 // FW 3.15 // YDL 6.2
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Re: Still got my PS3 with YDL 6.2 installed!

Postby relet » 22 Dec 2018, 22:30

I have two problems if someone can help?
1) I got Vim7 installed in one PS3YDL6.2, how to copy the program to another PS3YDL6.2?
2) If there is still way to get the software for PS3YDL6.2? since "Add/Remove Software" hasn't been worked for so long.
Thanks :D
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