sshfs howto (ssh filesystem) - mount mac shares

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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sshfs howto (ssh filesystem) - mount mac shares

Postby dLp » 24 Dec 2006, 22:25

i know this can be expanded upon vastly. this is an oversimplified, and quick instruction write up to get sshfs installed, up, and running. (reason i am writing this, is several have contacted me asking)

i apologize for the crappy instructions beforehand. im no teacher. :)

su for the below

step 1
download fuse and sshfs. ... _id=140425 ... _id=132802

step 2
unarchive both files. open up terminal and cd to their respective directories.

step 3
compile both fuse and sshfs using (fuse, then sshfs)

make install

step 4
create a directory for your mount point
mkdir /home/username/mounts
make sure to chown to your user:group and read/write

step 5
vim /etc/
add the line: /usr/local/lib
save and close

thats it.
you can now mount remote filesystems that have ssh enabled.

sshfs username@machinename:/path/to/share /path/to/your/mountpoint
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