Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Postby Tuffguy721 » 01 Jun 2008, 07:25

I have two issues that I cannot resolve.

I am using YDL 6.0 and I have followed the guide in the first post.

The first has to do with VLC. I was able to get VLC installed. The only thing is I cannot get it to play video it only plays audio. I have tried to play a few different avi files which I think are of the xvid variety. Also, I goto youtube and that only plays sound and no video as well.

The second is whenever I try to run the software updater and click apply updates I got an exception error and it will not run.

Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: I decided to do a reinstall and then I updated the yellowdog repos with the correct baseurl because the default one was the reason I was getting that exception. So i ran the updater and downloading all the packages. But, when they tried to install them I got an error and nothing would install.

So i decided to try to install vlc and it downloaded it. But when it tried to install it I got so error sayng one of the rpm's public key was not installed.
I got this error a bunch of times on my last install but I was able to fix it but manually downloading the problem rpms one by one from the internet but that took awhile.
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby lonjin » 02 Sep 2008, 19:52

ok every time i try to run vlc it says enilghtment was unable to run program i used yum install videolan-client.ppc to get vlc
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby lonjin » 02 Sep 2008, 20:00

ok when i try to run vlc or mplayer from terminel it says error cant run from shared libraries
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby bonedome » 03 Sep 2008, 13:08

hello out there in yellowdog land
I have at last aquired a copy of ydl 6 and installed it, as soon as I opened a desktop it said there are 48 updates available, I'm presuming they are the security/bug fixes, after applying them I went straight to this thread,copied and pasted livna and fedora extra repos into repo.d as the guide describes (I didn't add dribble mind) billb makes a point of using yum protectbase, so did that, it then came up with the same error as has been described in an above post with the only differece being the error, line 7: loading 'installonlyn' plugin, when I open the yellowdog-update file there is an extra line with those words, so edited them out and tried yum protectbase again which simply added the aformentioned error one line lower, so removed yellowdog update file (using rm command)and tried again this time success only without the update file. copied and pasted yellowdog-update from this thread did yum protectbase again and now my repolist is the same as listed on this thread, I've actually got to my point now, my yellowdog repos do not have the word protect=1 at the bottom, does this mean they aren't protected? can I just add this or do I need to start again, does "yum clean all" take me back to the beginning?
your help is always appreciated
60Gb ps3 otheros awol. currently playing:bad company and farcry 2 again (seeing how far I can get using permadeath principle)update: regretfully Warren Clyde was involved in a shootout south of Pala and killed when he was hit by a land rover. RIP Warren
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby billb » 03 Sep 2008, 13:38

You should definitely add protect=1 to the yellowdog repo files as described in the guide. Otherwise your system will get hosed when you update after adding the other repos (some critical RPMs get updated if you don't use yum-protectbase).

If you get an error message feel free to post the full text of it in this thread -- that way it will be easier for me to help.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby bonedome » 03 Sep 2008, 16:29

sorry about that biilb
I'm currently at work so unable to show the error messages etc, just one thing though can I simply write 'protect=1' in the repo files using gedit or is it a command that needs to be done using yum install
60Gb ps3 otheros awol. currently playing:bad company and farcry 2 again (seeing how far I can get using permadeath principle)update: regretfully Warren Clyde was involved in a shootout south of Pala and killed when he was hit by a land rover. RIP Warren
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby billb » 03 Sep 2008, 22:56

bonedome wrote:sorry about that biilb
I'm currently at work so unable to show the error messages etc, just one thing though can I simply write 'protect=1' in the repo files using gedit or is it a command that needs to be done using yum install

Yes, you can just add that using gedit. The echo command as listed in the guide just appends protect=1 at the end.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby daenney » 22 Sep 2008, 21:58

Hey guys,

I'm a Debian user at home and a CentOS 5 guy at work so I have some familiarity with Linux and the package managers workings.

I have two minor small questions.
First off: on what is YDL6 based, like, which Fedora/Redhat distribution. In other words, which repo's can I add that won't break or go haywire on dependency things. RHEL/CentOS5, Fedora Core 5/6/7/8/9 ? I can't seem to get a conclusive answer on that question anywhere... As far as I understand RHEL/CentOS5 repo's and Fedora Core 5 and 6 are safe?
The second question: In CentOS5 we use the priorities plugin to protect our base-install by giving the CentOS repo's a priority of 1 and other repo's a priority of 10 or higher. Is there any significant difference between protect and priority?
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby billb » 22 Sep 2008, 22:32

daenney wrote:I have two minor small questions.
First off: on what is YDL6 based, like, which Fedora/Redhat distribution. In other words, which repo's can I add that won't break or go haywire on dependency things. RHEL/CentOS5, Fedora Core 5/6/7/8/9 ? I can't seem to get a conclusive answer on that question anywhere... As far as I understand RHEL/CentOS5 repo's and Fedora Core 5 and 6 are safe?
The second question: In CentOS5 we use the priorities plugin to protect our base-install by giving the CentOS repo's a priority of 1 and other repo's a priority of 10 or higher. Is there any significant difference between protect and priority?

YDL 5 could use FC 5 repos, and YDL 6, being based on Centos 5.1, can use FC 6 repos, or EPEL 5 should work (haven't used it, though). I haven't tried the priorities plugin -- it might be a better solution than protectbase. It looks like they perform the same function but priorities allows for more than two groups (with protectbase, a repo is either protected or not). ... rotectBase

I have tried to keep things as simple as possible in this guide since a lot of PS3 Linux users are also first-time Linux users. Always open to suggestions & improvements, though! :D
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby OtherOs » 26 Sep 2008, 16:23


So all i want is an OS on my system (i.e YD6) so i can check email, run open office, browse internet, watch youtube video and such, and have my Wireless Internet work on it ....

is YD6 gunna do that for me on a basic install with the DVD (iso img) ?

ALSO - My Specs
PS3 (40Gb) - Upgraded to 300Gb WD 2.5 5400 RPM SATA (7200 rpm has overheating issues ... )
(the ps3's cooling system had 5400rpm in mind)
250 External HD for backup

YD 5.0.2 and YD 6 Iso images
Ubuntu too ... but that's not for me .. i like YD
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby ppietro » 26 Sep 2008, 16:53

OtherOs wrote:Ok,

So all i want is an OS on my system (i.e YD6) so i can check email, run open office, browse internet, watch youtube video and such, and have my Wireless Internet work on it ....

is YD6 gunna do that for me on a basic install with the DVD (iso img) ?

Well - everything but the YouTube video.

But - that's not YDL's fault - that's Adobe's. They haven't released a version of Flash for Linux on PowerPC processors. (Ubuntu for PowerPC would be in the same situation, BTW. :))

The basic YDL install will cover the rest. However - if you add the repos as outlined in the start of this post, you'll get the ability to load many more programs without much fuss. You don't have to do it immediately - it's just nice to know it's there. :)

i like YD

Me too! ;)

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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby billb » 05 Oct 2008, 15:23

OtherOs wrote:ALSO - My Specs
PS3 (40Gb) - Upgraded to 300Gb WD 2.5 5400 RPM SATA (7200 rpm has overheating issues ... )
(the ps3's cooling system had 5400rpm in mind)

This is an entirely different subject so I'll split this off into another topic if it goes very far, but I'm using a 7200 RPM drive with no problems. My PS3 is nearly always on. However, I have the original 60 GB PS3 with hardware-assisted PS2 compatibility. The cooling systems between models are different, from what I have read. ... ifferences
The PS3 uses Furukawa Electric heatsinks to cool the Cell and RSX chips. As the PS3 went through various hardware revisions, the cooling technology was also updated. In summary, CECHA to CECHD used five heatpipes to cool the chips. CECHE to CECHG used 2 heatpipes. From CECHH and later models, no heatpipes were used, although separate Cell and RSX cooling was introduced. The primary objective was to lower the weight, parts count, and cost of the PS3.

Also, I suppose different 7200 RPM drives might vary in running temperature, though I don't have any data to support this theory. This article discusses speed increases and running temps of 5400 RPM drives vs. 7200 RPM drives in the PS3: ... ard-drive/
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby damian1201 » 12 Oct 2008, 23:55

i try to install something and i keep getting a error
Code: Select all
[root@localhost damian1201]# yum install yum-protectbase
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "protectbase" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Error: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: freshrpms
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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby ppietro » 13 Oct 2008, 07:20

damian1201 wrote:i try to install something and i keep getting a error
Code: Select all
[root@localhost damian1201]# yum install yum-protectbase
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "protectbase" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Error: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: freshrpms

You shouldn't be using Freshrpms anyway. Go back and read the very first post in this thread - those are the 6 repos I'd recommend starting with. I'd set your PS3 that way to start and delete any reference to freshrpms.

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Re: Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby damian1201 » 14 Oct 2008, 19:54

everything i download has the same problem im really confused. Also does any one know how to get your ps3 controller to work on yellow dog linux
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