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help with duke nukem

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 00:29
by fellowgamer
i downloaded billb's dukenukem rpm file and everything else, but i cant get the game to run, it shows up in the game menu but when i click on it nothing happens. anyone know where i may be messing up.

Re: help with duke nukem

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 00:53
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:i downloaded billb's dukenukem rpm file and everything else, but i cant get the game to run, it shows up in the game menu but when i click on it nothing happens. anyone know where i may be messing up.

You may be the first to have tried it besides me... :wink:

I'm assuming you have downloaded and installed the data files to your /usr/games/duke3d folder.

Please post the output of this command entered in a terminal window:

Code: Select all

And here's the contents of my /usr/games/duke3d folder after installing from the RPM and copying the data files to it:

Code: Select all
[bill@localhost ~]$ ls -l /usr/games/duke3d
total 44816
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   442628 Mar 10 04:19 build
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    35992 Dec 24  1996 defs.con
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   792416 Mar 10 04:19 duke3d
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 44348015 Dec 24  1996 duke3d.grp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   151133 Dec 24  1996 game.con
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    45449 Dec 24  1996 user.con

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:01
by fellowgamer
yea i' try anything once worst that could hapeen is i have to format again.... but why does they out you give have to do with read write files.

here is the output

[mario@localhost ~]$
Duke Nukem 3D v1.4 - Atomic Edition
Copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment

Unable to open duke3d.grp

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:04
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:yea i' try anything once worst that could hapeen is i have to format again.... but why does they out you give have to do with read write files.

here is the output

[mario@localhost ~]$
Duke Nukem 3D v1.4 - Atomic Edition
Copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment

Unable to open duke3d.grp

And can you post the results of this command:

Code: Select all
ls -l /usr/games/duke3d

(that -l is the lowercase letter l, not the number 1)

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:07
by fellowgamer
[jimbo@localhost ~]$ ls -l /usr/games/duke3d
total 1220
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 442628 Mar 10 02:19 build
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 792416 Mar 10 02:19 duke3d

here it is

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:17
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:[jimbo@localhost ~]$ ls -l /usr/games/duke3d
total 1220
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 442628 Mar 10 02:19 build
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 792416 Mar 10 02:19 duke3d

here it is

You're missing the data files from the game (they can't be included in the RPM). Do you have the full version of the game (still available for purchase here? I haven't tried it with the demo files, yet.

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:27
by fellowgamer
i'll look for the data files, what data file do i need? how many are there?

edit: i can read sorry for the noob post

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 01:35
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:i'll look for the data files, what data file do i need? how many are there?

These are the only ones I'm using:


The other two files in my /usr/games/duke3d folder are duke3d (the binary executable that runs the game) and build (the binary executable used to edit levels). Those are installed from the RPM package and you already have those.

I may have to make another version of the rpm for use with the demo files ... not sure yet.

EDIT: Yes, looks like I'd need to make a different version of the rpm for the demo version (the data files still won't be included, though), or figure out how to get it to build both versions in the same rpm.

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 02:53
by fellowgamer
what program can i use to extract the files from a windows .exe, i have the .exe with the files in it but cant view the exe.

or can that even be done.

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 03:16
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:what program can i use to extract the files from a windows .exe, i have the .exe with the files in it but cant view the exe.

You have the demo version or the full version?

Sometimes you can extract files from an .EXE file, but only if it happens to be a self-extracting .EXE file. In that case you would change to the folder you want to extract the files to and:

Code: Select all
unzip yourfile.exe

If it is a DOS installer type .EXE then you can use dosbox to extract the files. (If you don't have dosbox, get it with yum install dosbox)

Let's say you have a file called INSTALL.EXE that you want to extract, and it is located in a folder called temp on your Desktop. Open a terminal window and:

Change to the temp folder:
Code: Select all
cd ~/Desktop/temp

Start dosbox:
Code: Select all

In the new dosbox window, tell dosbox you want to mount the current folder as the C drive, change to the C: drive, and list the files in it:
Code: Select all
mount c .

You should see your INSTALL.EXE file in the list. Just enter the name of the file to execute it like you normally would in DOS. Keep in mind that to DOS, your current folder is your C: drive, so any files created from the installer will be in your current folder.

Once the install is complete, exit dosbox and the extracted files will be in your current folder (or in new folder(s) created by the installer in DOS).

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 03:38
by fellowgamer
dosbox is doing it magic waiting for it to get done will it tell you when its done it's been holding on the .grp file a while, I also saw dmo so it might be the demo but hey atleast i can see if if the demo works.

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 03:46
by fellowgamer
ok, lot's of progress made at least for a noob like me, I now have all the file you have in your folder but i cant transfer them because i dont have permission, i want to have permission to put them in there but dont want to keep the permission on after i'm done.

EDIT: did some searching a got the files on there but when i sart it say i'm missing the .cfg file, notice your .cfg wasn't in you usr/game/dukenukem folder have any ideas

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 04:16
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:ok, lot's of progress made at least for a noob like me, I now have all the file you have in your folder but i cant transfer them because i dont have permission, i want to have permission to put them in there but dont want to keep the permission on after i'm done.

Just use the su command first, like this:

<root password>

or log in as root first.

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 05:35
by fellowgamer
going to keep trying figure out you have to run setup.exe in dosbox for the duke3d.cfg changed the screen size 800x600 and mix rate to 48 still no luck

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008, 05:40
by billb
fellowgamer wrote:EDIT: did some searching a got the files on there but when i sart it say i'm missing the .cfg file, notice your .cfg wasn't in you usr/game/dukenukem folder have any ideas

Ah ... OK, if you use dosbox to launch the Duke 3D setup program (setup.exe) it creates the .cfg file. Copy that to your /usr/games/duke3d folder. The first time you run (or start from the menu) it will copy that duke3d.cfg file into your ~/.duke3d folder. That's why it works without a .cfg file in my /usr/games/duke3d folder.

I'll add the duke3d.cfg file to the rpm so it gets installed automatically in case anyone else runs into this problem. If you want you can just use this one instead (copy/paste into gedit and save it to ~/.duke3d/duke3d.cfg) Better to do it this way, because you have to make a couple of changes to the default one:

Code: Select all
SetupVersion = "1.4"

[Screen Setup]
ScreenMode = 1
ScreenWidth = 512
ScreenHeight = 384
Shadows = 1
Password = "YDL"
Detail = 1
Tilt = 1
Messages = 1
Out = 0
ScreenSize = 8
ScreenGamma = 0

[Sound Setup]
FXDevice = 0
MusicDevice = 0
FXVolume = 228
MusicVolume = 224
NumVoices = 8
NumChannels = 2
NumBits = 16
MixRate = 48000
MidiPort = 0x330
BlasterAddress = 0x220
BlasterType = 4
BlasterInterrupt = 7
BlasterDma8 = 1
BlasterDma16 = 5
BlasterEmu = 0x640
ReverseStereo = 1
SoundToggle = 1
VoiceToggle = 1
AmbienceToggle = 1
MusicToggle = 1

Move_Forward = "w" "Kpad8"
Move_Backward = "s" "Kpad2"
Turn_Left = "Left" "Kpad4"
Turn_Right = "Right" "KPad6"
Strafe = "LAlt" "RAlt"
Fire = "RCtrl" "LCtrl"
Open = "Space" ""
Run = "/" "LShift"
AutoRun = "CapLck" ""
Jump = "Z" "/"
Crouch = "X" ""
Look_Up = "PgUp" "Kpad9"
Look_Down = "PgDn" "Kpad3"
Look_Left = "Insert" "Kpad0"
Look_Right = "Delete" "Kpad."
Strafe_Left = "a" ""
Strafe_Right = "d" ""
Aim_Up = "Home" "KPad7"
Aim_Down = "End" "Kpad1"
Weapon_1 = "1" ""
Weapon_2 = "2" ""
Weapon_3 = "3" ""
Weapon_4 = "4" ""
Weapon_5 = "5" ""
Weapon_6 = "6" ""
Weapon_7 = "7" ""
Weapon_8 = "8" ""
Weapon_9 = "9" ""
Weapon_10 = "0" ""
Inventory = "Enter" "KpdEnt"
Inventory_Left = "LBrack" ""
Inventory_Right = "RBrack" ""
Holo_Duke = "H" ""
Jetpack = "J" ""
NightVision = "N" ""
MedKit = "M" ""
TurnAround = "R" ""
SendMessage = "T" ""
Map = "Tab" ""
Shrink_Screen = "Minus" "Kpad-"
Enlarge_Screen = "Equals" "Kpad+"
Center_View = "KPad5" ""
Holster_Weapon = "ScrLck" ""
Show_Opponents_Weapon = "O" ""
Map_Follow_Mode = "M" ""
See_Coop_View = "K" ""
Mouse_Aiming = "F" ""
Toggle_Crosshair = "I" ""
Steroids = "R" ""
Quick_Kick = "E" ""
Next_Weapon = "'" ""
Previous_Weapon = ";" ""

ControllerType = 0
JoystickPort = 0
MouseSensitivity = 3072
ExternalFilename = "EXTERNAL.EXE"
EnableRudder = 0
MouseAiming = 1
MouseAimingFlipped = 1
MouseButton0 = "Fire"
MouseButtonClicked0 = ""
MouseButton1 = "Jump"
MouseButtonClicked1 = "Open"
MouseButton2 = "Move_Forward"
MouseButtonClicked2 = ""
JoystickButton0 = "Fire"
JoystickButtonClicked0 = ""
JoystickButton1 = "Strafe"
JoystickButtonClicked1 = "Inventory"
JoystickButton2 = "Run"
JoystickButtonClicked2 = "Jump"
JoystickButton3 = "Open"
JoystickButtonClicked3 = "Crouch"
JoystickButton4 = "Aim_Down"
JoystickButtonClicked4 = ""
JoystickButton5 = "Look_Right"
JoystickButtonClicked5 = ""
JoystickButton6 = "Aim_Up"
JoystickButtonClicked6 = ""
JoystickButton7 = "Look_Left"
JoystickButtonClicked7 = ""
MouseAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning"
MouseDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
MouseAnalogScale0 = 0
MouseAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving"
MouseDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
MouseAnalogScale1 = 0
JoystickAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning"
JoystickDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale0 = 0
JoystickAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving"
JoystickDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale1 = 0
JoystickAnalogAxes2 = "analog_strafing"
JoystickDigitalAxes2_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes2_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale2 = 0
JoystickAnalogAxes3 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes3_0 = "Run"
JoystickDigitalAxes3_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale3 = 0
GamePadDigitalAxes0_0 = "Turn_Left"
GamePadDigitalAxes0_1 = "Turn_Right"
GamePadDigitalAxes1_0 = "Move_Forward"
GamePadDigitalAxes1_1 = "Move_Backward"
GameMouseAiming = 0
AimingFlag = 0

[Comm Setup]
ComPort = 2
IrqNumber = 65535
UartAddress = 65535
PortSpeed = 9600
ToneDial = 1
SocketNumber = 65535
NumberPlayers = 2
ModemName = ""
InitString = "ATZ"
HangupString = "ATH0=0"
DialoutString = ""
PlayerName = "Cobra"
RTSPath = "."
UserPath = "."
PhoneNumber = ""
ConnectType = 0
CommbatMacro#0 = "An inspiration for birth control."
CommbatMacro#1 = "You're gonna die for that!"
CommbatMacro#2 = "It hurts to be you."
CommbatMacro#3 = "Lucky Son of a Bitch."
CommbatMacro#4 = "Hmmm....Payback time."
CommbatMacro#5 = "You bottom dwelling scum sucker."
CommbatMacro#6 = "Damn, you're ugly."
CommbatMacro#7 = "Ha ha ha...Wasted!"
CommbatMacro#8 = "You suck!"
CommbatMacro#9 = "AARRRGHHHHH!!!"
PhoneName#0 = ""
PhoneNumber#0 = ""
PhoneName#1 = ""
PhoneNumber#1 = ""
PhoneName#2 = ""
PhoneNumber#2 = ""
PhoneName#3 = ""
PhoneNumber#3 = ""
PhoneName#4 = ""
PhoneNumber#4 = ""
PhoneName#5 = ""
PhoneNumber#5 = ""
PhoneName#6 = ""
PhoneNumber#6 = ""
PhoneName#7 = ""
PhoneNumber#7 = ""
PhoneName#8 = ""
PhoneNumber#8 = ""
PhoneName#9 = ""
PhoneNumber#9 = ""
PhoneName#10 = ""
PhoneNumber#10 = ""
PhoneName#11 = ""
PhoneNumber#11 = ""
PhoneName#12 = ""
PhoneNumber#12 = ""
PhoneName#13 = ""
PhoneNumber#13 = ""
PhoneName#14 = ""
PhoneNumber#14 = ""
PhoneName#15 = ""
PhoneNumber#15 = ""

Executions = 69
RunMode = 0
Crosshairs = 1
WeaponChoice0 = 3
WeaponChoice1 = 4
WeaponChoice2 = 5
WeaponChoice3 = 7
WeaponChoice4 = 8
WeaponChoice5 = 6
WeaponChoice6 = 0
WeaponChoice7 = 2
WeaponChoice8 = 9
WeaponChoice9 = 1

Note that you'll probably want to change these two lines to more closely match your screen resolution.

ScreenWidth = 512
ScreenHeight = 384

You can set it to whatever you want as long as it isn't higher than your screen resolution. Determine your screen resolution with this command:

Code: Select all
xdpyinfo | grep dimensions

Mine is 1280x720, so I like to use 960x720 to keep the aspect ratio correct.