Bluetooth Sixaxis Conflict PdaXrom & ZeroGame

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Bluetooth Sixaxis Conflict PdaXrom & ZeroGame

Postby knicknak » 27 Jun 2009, 07:38

So I used the ZeroGameProject installer to install wahcade and various emulators (bodega packages), bluetooth sixaxis support, etc.
I then added PdaXrom's boot loader so that when I turn on my PS3 I can choose which OS to boot.

Here's the issue I'm running into:
I use my PdaXrom detects my sixaxis and lights up 1 led (just like the GameOS) to indicate that it's working with the boot menu. If I boot YDL, when I log in to zerogame the bluetooth deamon doesn't see my SixAxis, in order to get it to work, I'd have to turn off the SixAxis then turn it back on - all 4 leds blink when using the bluetooth deamon.

I'm wondering where the problem is and how to resolve it. If a handoff can't take place, could one of the two drivers "unlink , turn off, or reset" the sixaxis automatically?

Interestingly, if boot PdzXrom and choose GameOS, it turns off the sixaxis and I can turn it on and have it work in the GameOS.
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