OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby ppietro » 29 Mar 2010, 11:08

Entity wrote:I'm ashamed of both of you. Instead of blaming who has done this (Sony, ONLY Sony), you blame someone who's only interest was researching and trying to open some of the restrictions that linux ps3 have, like the access to RSX.

Be ashamed as much as you want. It's still his fault.

Sony had no desire to remove this feature until their protection was broken. Rather than work within the license and structure given to all of us by Sony, he decided to go outside the boundaries. It's always within Sony's rights to revoke access - and, because of him, now they have - for all of us.

And - yes - I know he wasn't trying to pirate. That's not the issue. There is copyright involved in the Hypervisor routines. Copyright that Geohot broke by dissembling the code.

I'm sorry - but if the quest for limited knowledge of the RSX and copyrighted software routines means I don't get to run Linux, that's not a fair trade at all, regardless of best intentions.

I've said all I'm going to say on this particular issue - this is my formal rebuttal to your argument. Since public bickering serves no further purpose, and will inflame an already tense situation further, we will now drop this part of the discussion, and keep this thread on focus. Any further postings on this particular subtopic will be deleted.

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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby alastor » 29 Mar 2010, 11:53

This is shocking for sure.
I know it is done for security reasons, but honestly this has gone too far. Damn, this is so dissapointing, like if you have wasted few years for nothing ... The time i has wasted to achive best playback with mplayer ... Tons of usefull tutorials by a lot of people i know here and on psubuntu ... What about their time ? And what about programmers like unsolo, stream and other people, who have spent lots of their free time to give us smooth video playback ? Even if i mention about arches, it is obvious that there will now be even less support for open source CellBE programms, PowerPC arch and POWER.
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Sony Disabling Existing Linux Installs on PS3 w/ FW 3.21

Postby somedoc » 29 Mar 2010, 11:58

http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/03/ ... 21-update/

It appears that as of the new 3.21 firmware update, Linux on existing systems with the installation will be disabled. You can choose to not update the firmware, but if that's the case, say goodbye to using psn, or multiplayer games. Do NOT update your system on April 1st until further details are available.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby keefy » 29 Mar 2010, 12:25

Is it possible to overwrite firmwres with older versions?
http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/s ... r-3-15%29/
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby billb » 29 Mar 2010, 12:36

In other news, Toyota plans to fix the problems with their brakes by removing the gas pedals...

Yes, this is a kick in the groin to all of us from Sony. Those few developers left will almost certainly pull the plug now ... already starting to see that on the cbe-oss-dev list.

As for me, I'll probably save my original 60GB PS3 (#1) from this update and replace it with a new or used "slim" model. Glad they have a transfer tool in the GameOS now. It is indeed tempting to get an Xbox 360 instead, but I barely have time to do what I want with the systems I already have now so that's probably not going to happen. The "PS3Bodega" repo will continue as usual for those who care to use it.

Jaybps3 wrote:I feel like crap thinking about all the time I spent and all the time billb paul and others have spent to enhance the YDL ps3 linux experience.

Yes -- I don't feel it has all been a waste for me, though. When I started with YDL on the PS3 it was my first real experience with Linux that went beyond just "kicking the tires" for a few days. The PS3 gaming + Linux option got me away from PC gaming & Windows which I had become extremely frustrated with over the years ... awful, absolute crap games being released, driver updates, Windows updates, DirectX incompatibilities, expensive hardware upgrades just to run the latest games, copy protection issues, virii / malware / spyware / scareware, and so on ...

Linux is definitely my OS of choice now and everything I've learned on YDL/PS3, with the exception of commands dealing with the PS3's oddities, translates directly over to other Linux distros.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby ales » 29 Mar 2010, 12:52

So much for "Sony's commitment". They probably counted all
the Linux users and decided the damage from this will be
acceptable. No sentiments at all. We have been warned and
this should be no surprise to anyone.

I didn't jump the PSN train and have cut off my PS3 Internet
access after being disappointed with the GameOS development
during the last two years. I have just recently switched to
Popcorn as my primary media player. The few games I bought
are working and if the console breaks down I will probably
write them off and get a new PC. No Sony gadgets from now

I hope this site stays up because of the tremendous work
the people here have put in, and as a reminder that you
should be careful with whom you trust. Big thanks to all
of them anyway.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby spykez » 29 Mar 2010, 13:23

I am deeply disappointed in Sony's decision but I suspect it was in the cards all along: They introduce the PS3 slim.. There's some QQing but happy, happy, joy, joy... units still move... So? Now for the coup de grace.. Can the OtherOS option altogether.

I have no legal knowledge but a couple of mentions on slashdot have been made about a class action suit. I have a nagging suspicion this cannot take off but perhaps someone here with a greater legal mind can shed some light on this possibility but I fear it is a dead horse we are flogging.

I am sorry to say I am also troubled by what Paul said above. Not quoting the subject he has declared off limits, I am disappointed that it cannot even be discussed. We are all troubled by this, Paul, yourself included. Talking sometimes helps. It certainly, to my mind, can't make things any the worse. I know you're admin, Paul but perhaps you may have ended that subtopic too abruptly. It certainly is about as significant and purposeful as anything else in this thread.

No matter.

This will either be edited/removed/left as is. My 2 cents.


It looks like it's time to move on. Now if Sony are crazy enough to think I will buy a new ps3 slim just to play PS3 games they are crazy. I will look elsewhere.

As for mucking around, I'm going to get myself a 'more better' GPU instead and mess with CUDA etc. That looks like fun.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby alastor » 29 Mar 2010, 14:16

billb wrote:Yes, this is a kick in the groin to all of us from Sony. Those few developers left will almost certainly pull the plug now ... already starting to see that on the cbe-oss-dev list.

Agreed. Though Cell BE is developing as whole, its open sources are dying. Besides I have started to like PowerPC arch ...
billb wrote:Yes -- I don't feel it has all been a waste for me, though. When I started with YDL on the PS3 it was my first real experience with Linux that went beyond just "kicking the tires" for a few days

Same, I have never thought that linux is so awesome compared to windows, until I got my hands on Ubuntu 7.10 PowerPC + PS3.
Anyway I will leave my system as it is for now - playing ps3, ps2 titles on XMB and watching anime MKVs on linux. Optimization of staff has ended on the other hand.
By the way now I am thinking about getting some "open box" without any OS restrictions, install linux on it and use all knowledge there.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby rask » 29 Mar 2010, 15:18

This is really the last straw for me. I think I'm going to buy an xbox and sell the PS3.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby ppietro » 29 Mar 2010, 17:32

spykez wrote:I am sorry to say I am also troubled by what Paul said above. Not quoting the subject he has declared off limits, I am disappointed that it cannot even be discussed. We are all troubled by this, Paul, yourself included. Talking sometimes helps. It certainly, to my mind, can't make things any the worse. I know you're admin, Paul but perhaps you may have ended that subtopic too abruptly. It certainly is about as significant and purposeful as anything else in this thread.

I had a very visceral response to that sub-thread. It felt like something that could quickly get out of hand, due to the subject matter - individual freedom versus corporate intellectual property rights, etc.

So - here's what I propose. If you feel you'd like to discuss it further, make a new posting in Speaker's Corner to discuss it. As long as it doesn't turn into a complete flame war, feel free to discuss it there.

I figure we're going to have our hands busy here with solutions for folks, etc.

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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby thendless » 29 Mar 2010, 18:14

I used the PS3 as my main computer for a couple of months, before I could afford a new laptop. It was only then that I considered the 600€ that I paid for it money well spent. I haven't logged in in a while, but it was somewhat reassuring knowing that I had a backup system. The removal of this features makes me sad; it was the main reason I got into Linux and eventually made never go back to Windows OS.

A special thanks to the YDL community. The time and knowledge you guys shared with me makes it all worthy.

Take care.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby riktors » 29 Mar 2010, 19:35

One of the reasons when i bought my PS3 was the OtherOS, and now i don´t know if i´m going to update, there are a lot of games that enjoy online but it´s gonna be a hard decision to make.
Very bad news.
PS3 40 GB Upgraded to 160 GB
HDD External 40 GB
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby Jenraux » 29 Mar 2010, 19:35

Yeah, i would like to thank all you guys who helped me get started.

I feel so cheated however, i only got my PS3 about 2 weeks ago, installed Linux just over a week ago, and they're already removing one of the main features of the system. :(

I was just starting to use E-UAE on it to get some Amiga games to write reviews on them for my website, now all thats gone down the drain.

I dont feel sorry just for myself, but all these developers that have worked hard over the years to bring us programs that work with the PS3, now all their work is going to be lost, except for the minority of people who decide not to upgrade.

If i could afford 2 PS3`s, i would get a Slim and use that as my main one, and keep my old 80gb to run Linux on it, but alas, im broke. I can`t even afford a computer for my room so im stuck sharing one with 2 other people.

I can understand why Sony did this though, obviously due to certain events the security of their system was being threatened and they therefore had to act, although it was a drastic solution, in the eyes of Sony, it was probably the quickest and easiest way to protect their system. If they had just released a patch to improve the security more, no doubt it would be broken again later.

Lets hope removing Linux will force Sony to make the Game OS a more enjoyable experience.
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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby thecoogster » 29 Mar 2010, 19:48

If you believe the word on the grapevine then not even this will stop the hacking community now, gameos hypervisor has been dumped and a selected few are working on it now, the main problem i see for sony now is keeping the hardcore linux community from getting involved in the hacking side, I know from 3 years of looking into the otheros side of things there is a lot of people who held of attempting to hack the machine as it met there needs and was a good thing to play about with. This all changes from Thursday and i can see sony taking even more drastic measures.

Hope im not breaking any rules, just what my opinion is.

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Re: OtherOS removed in Firmware update 3.21

Postby Jenraux » 29 Mar 2010, 20:24

Well its impossible to stop hacking of consoles, even the wii and the Xbox 360 which cant have linux on, have a multitude of hacks and modifications available for them. I mean all you need to hack the wii is a usb memory stick and an SD card, it has virtually no protection whatsoeever from stopping people playing pirated wii games.

The xbox 360 has the best protection vs hacking, as the only way to hack it is to flash the disc drive or do something internally, and that doesnt work as Microsoft can detect via XBL if you have a modified console, and will ban you. Every year over 1 million xbox consoles are banned due to them being modified.
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