Few Noobish PS3 Install Questions

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Few Noobish PS3 Install Questions

Postby FourTwenny » 24 Jun 2009, 00:00

Ok i am about to install ydl 6.1 on my ps3. I have a few installation guides i have bookmarked and a few youtube videos bookmarked also. I have searched and googled but still have a few questions that are bugging me. I have never used linux before.

In all the guides/vids i have came across it says to partition 10 gigs to otheros when formatting the ps3HDD. My question is; does it have to be 10gigs ? If i want to partition my drive for 30 gigs to ps3XMB and 30 gigs to YDL is that ok ? Is there a reason everyone uses only 10gigs that i am missing ?

I am not 100% confident i will enter my network information correct. If i make a mistake will i be able to go back and adjust it without having to reinstall from scratch ?

I have read that when you set linux to run at 1080p the letters become very small and hard to read, is it really better to set it to 720p on a display capable of 1080p. I am currently using a 24" monitor that is 1920x1200. When i turn my ps3 on it is set to display a 1:1 picture so the monitor puts black bars at the top and bottom instead of stretching it. While using linux is there any way to run at 16:10 and have it at 1920x1200 or 1680x1050 (or whatever that res is)

All i have kicking around my house are Duel layers dvds, do i need to go buy a standard 4.7gig dvdr or will a dldvd work ?
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Re: Few Noobish PS3 Install Questions

Postby billb » 24 Jun 2009, 01:01

FourTwenny wrote:In all the guides/vids i have came across it says to partition 10 gigs to otheros when formatting the ps3HDD. My question is; does it have to be 10gigs ? If i want to partition my drive for 30 gigs to ps3XMB and 30 gigs to YDL is that ok ? Is there a reason everyone uses only 10gigs that i am missing ?

There's a Sony / PS3 limitation of 10 GB to the Game OS or 10 GB to the Other OS, with the rest going to the other side. Yes, we do think it's silly. If you wish to continue using your PS3 for PS3 gaming, I'd go with the 10 GB to Other OS option and supplement that with an external drive or network shares on Linux.

I am not 100% confident i will enter my network information correct. If i make a mistake will i be able to go back and adjust it without having to reinstall from scratch ?

Absolutely, yes.

I have read that when you set linux to run at 1080p the letters become very small and hard to read, is it really better to set it to 720p on a display capable of 1080p. I am currently using a 24" monitor that is 1920x1200. When i turn my ps3 on it is set to display a 1:1 picture so the monitor puts black bars at the top and bottom instead of stretching it. While using linux is there any way to run at 16:10 and have it at 1920x1200 or 1680x1050 (or whatever that res is)

1920x1200 is the highest supported video mode on PS3 Linux ... you can test that mode after installation, as well as other modes, to determine what you like best.

All i have kicking around my house are Duel layers dvds, do i need to go buy a standard 4.7gig dvdr or will a dldvd work ?

Sorry, can't say for sure about that one.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
Powermac G4 1.25 GHz x2, 2 GB RAM, YDL 6.2
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Re: Few Noobish PS3 Install Questions

Postby Spyhunter » 23 Jul 2009, 09:17

i can only add that the installation of linux to ps3 is very straight forward - YDL being the best and easiest to use and configure in my opinion.

the configuration depends on what GUI you will be using - GNOME is not that good (imo), E17 is OK but looking around at KDE and FluxBox, these are better and more configurable in my opinion.

Have fun!!!
[PS3: Upgraded 60Gb to 500Gb] / YDL 6.1 / XMB 2.70
> Testing: MAME, Vice, Frodo, UAE, Stella
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