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installing tar.gz

PostPosted: 24 Oct 2004, 23:17
by trash
sorry for the silly question, i know it was posted already somewhere but i can't seem to find it.... what are the standard prefix's to use?

I'm about to install libgphoto2, so if anybody knows of any issues i'd like to hear em:)

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2004, 01:08
by trash
1. tar xvzf foo.tar.gz
2. cd foo
3. ./configure
4. make
5. make installl

finally found it. :wink:

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2004, 14:42
by soup4you2
1. tar xvzf foo.tar.gz
2. cd foo
2.5 more README
3. ./configure
4. make
5. make installl

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2004, 15:08
by trash

thats a step i've forgotten before.

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2004, 16:44
by StarKnight83
I just posted the first howto in the faq lists; it has a little more advanced section on compiling from source

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2004, 01:30
by trash
thanks everybody!

Is there a procedure to removing failed installs or even installs that worked or is it just a matter of hunting down all of the installed files and deleting them?

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2004, 03:09
by StarKnight83
as root "make uninstall"