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Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2010, 06:41
by mol666
Hello, rather simple question i think, i like watching anime and shows stremed online, can i watch them in the firefox ps3 ?



Re: Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2010, 06:58
by ppietro
mol666 wrote:Hello, rather simple question i think, i like watching anime and shows stremed online, can i watch them in the firefox ps3 ?





Re: Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2010, 07:04
by mol666
well, that was pretty straight forward, is there a remote chance, even if its insanely hard, to do it?, im willing to read a lot if you can point me in the right direction (sorry for being so inquisitive i just need to know)

Re: Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2010, 07:06
by ppietro
ppietro wrote:
mol666 wrote:Hello, rather simple question i think, i like watching anime and shows stremed online, can i watch them in the firefox ps3 ?





Heh - sorry - just teasing with my terse reply. :D It's just that we get this question all the time. Probably 50% of the questions on this board are this question, worded slightly differently. And the shortest answer is: "No", followed closely by the slightly longer answer: "No - not like you can in Windows or Mac."

So - don't worry - I'll give the full answer. :D The problem isn't Firefox for the PS3. The problem is Adobe Flash. There isn't a version of Adobe Flash for PowerPC Linux. And, since Adobe Flash is closed source, we can't compile a version either.

The only solution is reverse engineering Flash from Adobe's published specifications. There are currently two projects trying to do this - gnash & swfdec. Neither are very fast, nor very compatible - it's very hard to reverse engineer Flash - and Flash isn't written that efficiently in the first place. Gnash barely works with YouTube, and is very, very slow.

Your best bet is either to use a plugin called Download Helper:
to pull the video to your hard drive, then use a program called Totem (installed by default) to view them. Or - simply flip back to the PS3 GameOS and use the built-in browser to watch.

Other members of the forums have alternate solutions, but none are as simple as using Flash. Search the forum for "Flash" and "YouTube" - most of us try to watch YouTube with Flash.


P.S. If you decide to use Totem, you'll probably need to add gstreamer-plugins-ugly & gstreamer-plugins-bad. They don't come installed by default, nor are they included in the standard Yellow Dog repositories. You'll have to add the extra repositories as listed here:

Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

or, if you don't mind using a repo that one of our admins has created, here:

PS3Bodega Software Repository Setup Guide

The PS3Bodega repository is updated more frequently and - if you run into an issue - the repo's maintainer - billb - is a site admin here. :D

Re: Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2010, 07:23
by mol666
heh, well youre right no is the shortest answer heh, anyway, thanks for the info, ill search and see what i can digg up

(maaan, why did the game os browser had to be so limited)

Re: Streming in firefox doubt

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2010, 00:03
by bonedome
I've just been to that website you mentioned above and watched a couple of videos, on my ps3 with ydl, the secret is finding out if the website has the video in any other format (other than flash) there are several ways of doing this, but the method I use (simplest of course) is using a firefox addon called unplug, there are other addons that do much the same thing but I prefer unplug, while you're there get another addon called flash killer or noscript

As Paul said you'll need a few bits and pieces to get this working
you'll need to install mplayer, mplayerplug-in, gstreamers bad and ugly and for added compatibility ffmpeg
Then open firefox go to tools > addons > plugins and disable all the totem plugins if they're enabled
navigate to the page you want i.e this one ... s/166.html, this is where flash killer or noscript come in, you need to stop the flash video from playing and eating up all your precious ram.
unplug should have a little fish icon top right click on it and a window will appear with, in this case 2 video feeds one swf and the other flv I think, you then get the choice to download,
copy link or open in new tab/window if you open in new window hey presto imho better quality less cpu using video 8)
You can also use the command line, so click on copy link open a terminal and type
Code: Select all
then right click and paste then press enter, try this one
Code: Select all

I found that in ydl mplayer is the only on that'll play flv, any probs let us know I'll do my best to steer you right
BTW this works with just about any website as long as they're not flash only