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Can't download 6.1

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2009, 03:25
by shadow613
I went to their main site where they have all the mirrors for downloading YDL 6.1
For the past 12 hours I have tried many links. All I download is 3/4 of it then the download sort of stops. After a while it will crap out around 2.83Gigs at 2 hours into the download!

This is rediculous! I can't seem to find a link that will download the whole damn thing!

I've tried Torrents, but geez it'll take 3 days to dowload (it says).

Is there any other links that works that not from their main site?

Re: Can't download 6.1

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2009, 04:13
by JustACityBoy
Well i had the same problem.... are you using fire fox?? And also with the add on "downthemall"? If not, then install one or both if you don't have fire fox! It will download.... and click the Oregon state mirror, worked for me.... I just cant burn it onto a blank dvd so I'm lucky huh? lol

Re: Can't download 6.1

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 19:37
Try checking ebay . thats where i got my ydl disc

Re: Can't download 6.1

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2009, 04:37
by ppietro
TJLYD wrote:Try checking ebay . thats where i got my ydl disc


I know you're trying to be helpful - and it's appreciated - but in the future, please check the dates of the posts you're responding to. This topic was last updated in January.

It's fairly safe to assume that if there hasn't been any activity since January, the topic is finished.

Locking this thread.
