Apple Network Server

Architecture specific questions.

Apple Network Server

Postby gom » 29 Apr 2012, 22:01

Hi Everybody,

Just for you to know that I've been able to install YDL 3.0 on such a beast, without too much fuzz.
I was part of the team that followed YDL closely to make it work on those machines back in 2001-2002, around the web site (look in
Those days I just wanted to make sure my pre-series ANS 700 was still working and I eventually upgraded it from 2.3 to 3.0. I'll try to make the RAID card work with that release too (I was booting off of it in 2.3).
If someone need to reproduce I hold the boot floppy and 3.0 .iso handy. I can post the steps needed (no miboot on this machine).
My plan is to install 3.0.1, 4.0 etc. to see how far this 16 years old machine can keep up.
ydl newbie
ydl newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 Apr 2012, 21:53

Re: Apple Network Server

Postby dcphotos » 10 Apr 2013, 01:42

Hey, Any luck on this? I still have three SHINERS in my garage. I used to run YDL on them. At one point, I had thirteen of them. A guy at Apple in Austin gave me all they had as they were migrating to xserves.
Let me know, I'd love to light one up again!
ydl newbie
ydl newbie
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Re: Apple Network Server

Postby gom » 11 May 2015, 09:33

Hey Don,

Sorry I postponed this project during a few years... I'm trying to gather my notes and go on from where I left. Some disks don't spin anymore...Sounds like I lost my raid volumes, but not the backups hard disks hopefully.

First I need to re-download all updates and yum archives for 3, 4, 5 ydl releases (the still appear to be online at in pub/distribucions/yellowdog). I didn't lost the isos hopefully.
Then I'll have to work on iquik, a remplacement to quick with does not load initrds nor recent kernel images (too big !). Cf github.
Finally the best choice for a distribution to install seems to be ubuntu or gentoo by now, as they are the only ones which seem still active on ppc (20 years !).
Then I'll see what can be done with the raid card (the fixes must be out of sync with the kernel by now...)

Tell me more about your shiners, I'd love to hear from you.

ydl newbie
ydl newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 Apr 2012, 21:53

Re: Apple Network Server

Postby gom » 23 May 2015, 20:45

Hey Don and others !

So far I've been able to :
    1. mirror the whole 2.0 to 4.1 archives from by HTTP,
    2. install YDL 3.0 and then update to 3.0.1 on a Power Macintosh 7300/200,
    3. install YDL 2.2 from scratch on my ANS 700/200,
    4. install YDL 2.3 from scratch as well,
    5. Install YDL 3.0.1, bootstrapping from 2.x.
Some notes :

About 1, you will find this command to be really convenient :
Code: Select all
lftp -e 'open && mirror -c -e -x "ls-lR$|ls-lR\.gz$|^betas|^extras/synergy-1.2.1-1.ppc.rpm|^extras/champion-1\.2|^extras/yellowdog-4\.0/ppc/ppc|^extras/yellowdog-[56]|^iso/YDL-5\.0\.[12]|^iso/yellowdog-[56]|^releases/champion-1\.2|^releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/[extras|updates]|^releases/yellowdog-[56]|^updates/champion-1\.[0-2]|^updates/yellowdog-[56]|^yum/3.0/contrib/[RPMS.contrib|SRPMS.contrib]|^yum/4\.0/extras/RPMS.extras/ppc|^yum/[56]|^yum/[56]" && exit'

    - Some directories recursively loop on themselves. The regex, apart form excluding the ydl 5.x and 6.x files, takes that out.
    - Some directories seem symoblic links to others in the hierarchy, and lftp doesn't take this into account. You end up with 58Gb of stuff that can easily be reduced to 37Gb when you manually restore the symbolic links. Even better : hard linking the identical files during the transfer makes lftp to skip the double or triple download. I wrote a perl script that automates this (based on file name, file modification time and diff of the content) if you're interested.
    - It sounds like mirroring software did never delete files that disappeared on the source, and that some directories are wrong. I wrote this small script to correct this once the downloads are finished.
    Code: Select all

    cd /volumes/lotank/yellowdog/pub/yellowdog

    # releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/[extras|updates]
    mkdir ./releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/extras
    mkdir ./releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/updates

    cd ./releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/extras
    ln ../../../../extras/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/* .

    cd ../../../../releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/updates
    ln ../../../../updates/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/* .

    cd ../../../..

    # yum/3.0/extras
    cd yum/3.0
    rm -Rf RPMS.main
    rm -Rf RPMS.updates

    mv contrib extras
    mkdir extras/RPMS.extras extras/SRPMS.extras

    cd extras/RPMS.extras
    ln ../../../../extras/yellowdog-3.0/ppc/* .

    cd ../SRPMS.extras
    ln ../../../../extras/yellowdog-3.0/SRPMS/* .

    cd ../../../..

    sed -i 's/RPMS.contrib/RPMS.extras/' yum/3.0/extras/headers/
About 2 :
    - Thanks to Bootx it's kind of easy to install on this machine compared to the shiner w/out MacOS...
    - The following yum.conf file will work nicely with the previously downloaded archives
    Code: Select all

    name=Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 base

    name=Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 updates

    name=Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 extras

    name=Yellow Dog Linux 3.0.1 updates

    - Beware the last kernel (vmlinux-2.4.22-2g) seems a bit rough on this machine, YMMW
About 3 and 4 :
    - First I tried with ydl 2.2, and then I followed the same process for 2.3 successfully.
    - I used the instructions from the site (you can still find them on : and the following items :
      - the last YDL ANS kernel.coff known : "vmlinux.coff-2.4.18-0.8aans", from the YDL 2.2 release, look in the "releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/install/ans/" directory
      - the "ramdisk-text.image.gz" in "releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/install/" directory
      - the "yellowdog-2.2-rome-20020407-install.iso" file from the "iso/" directory
    - Basically you need to (don't forget to swap the floppies, you need 4) :
    Code: Select all
    cd releases/yellowdog-2.2/ppc/install/
    hformat /dev/fd0
    hmount /dev/fd0
    hcopy ans/vmlinux.coff-2.4.18-0.8aans :vmlinux.coff
    humount /dev/fd0
    eject /dev/fd0
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880
    dd if=ramdisk-text.image.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880
    eject /dev/fd0
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880
    dd if=ramdisk-text.image.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 skip=2880 count=2880
    eject /dev/fd0
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880
    dd if=ramdisk-text.image.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 skip=5760
    eject /dev/fd0

    Last, burn the iso file and finally :
    Code: Select all
    setenv auto-boot? false
    boot fd:vmlinux.coff root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384

    - I created a small (100MB) /boot ext2 partition (sda2), put 256MB for swap (sda3) and a 2GB ext2 / (sda4).
    - The same kernel.coff file seems to work with the 2.3 release, you just need to get the ramdisk and iso files from 2.3 instead of 2.2.
    - I found those releases quite buggy
      - a few RPMs are corrupted
      - the installer doesn't handle the configuration of quik, you have to boot from floppy one last time :
      Code: Select all
      boot fd:vmlinux.coff root=/dev/sda4

      and then install a proper kernel and configure quik :
      Code: Select all
      mount /mnt/cdrom
      rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom/YellowDog/ppc/kernel-ans-2.4.19-4a.ppc.rpm
      rpm -e kernel
      mv /etc/quik.conf /boot/
      cd /etc/
      ln -s /boot/quik.conf
      vim /etc/quik.conf
      quik -v
      The following quik.conf should be good :
      Code: Select all
      # Example of how can be quik.conf set up
      timeout = 100
      default = linux
      init-message="\nWelcome to YellowDog Linux!\n\nHit <TAB> for boot options.\nHit <ENTER> to continue !\n\n"
      image = /vmlinux-2.4.19-4aans
              label = ydl2
              alias = linux

      Reboot, and back to Open Firmware type :
      Code: Select all
      setenv boot-device disk2:0
      And if all is fine, type :
      Code: Select all
      nvsetenv auto-boot? true

      - moreover yup relies on missing index files in the ftp repository so updating/upgrading is broken. rpm -Fvh can be your friend, but releases > 3 use yum which is far more convenient.
About 5 :
    - 3.0.1 includes a vast number of updates compared to 3.0, which saves a lot of time updating rpms...
    - Once booted in ydl 2.3, follow those steps:
      - get the BOOT kernel from the 3.0.1 updates :
      Code: Select all
      rpm -ivh updates/yellowdog-3.0.1/ppc/kernel-BOOT-2.4.22-2f.ppc.rpm --nodeps

      - the ramdisk file is found inside the first iso. Unfortunately you can't source it along the kernel with quik (as you would do with grub or even lilo), you still have to put it on floppy :
      Code: Select all
      dd if=YDL-3.0.1/images/ramdisk.image.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880

      - Modify the quick.conf file :
      Code: Select all
      vim /etc/quik.conf
      quik -v
      Add the following lines :
      Code: Select all
      image = /vmlinux-2.4.22-2fBOOT
              label = ydl3-install
              root = /dev/fd0
              append = "text load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384"

      - reboot and type "ydl3-install"
    - Here I created a 3GB ext3 / (sda5), kept the same swap (sda3) but no /boot. I will re-use the first one, moving kernels from /boot (ydl3, inside my sda5) to /boot (ydl2, separate sda2).
    - The installer went smoother than 2.2 and 2.3, you just have to skip X configuration which is not supported on this machine.
    - But you still have to fix a few things :
      - reboot in yld 2.x
      - get the ans kernel from the 3.0.1 updates :
      Code: Select all
      rpm -ivh updates/yellowdog-3.0.1/ppc/kernel-ans-2.4.22-2d.ppc.rpm --nodeps

      - update the quick.conf file :
      Code: Select all
      vim /etc/quik.conf
      quik -v
      Add the following lines (note : the "alias = linux" line has moved downwards) :
      Code: Select all
      image = /vmlinux-2.4.22-2dans
              label = ydl3
              alias = linux
              root = /dev/sda5

      and reboot !
    - After that the previous yum.conf works well
    - Install kernel-ans (to get the modules) and other goodies : lcdproc, bacula...

Good luck to you ! In the next episode : upgrading to ydl 4.0 - 4.1 ? RAID card again ?
ydl newbie
ydl newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 Apr 2012, 21:53

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