Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

Postby billb » 07 Mar 2008, 00:05

Installing Software on Yellow Dog (the easy way)

Updated 2/13/10 -- added link to ps3bodega repo for YDL 6.2
Updated 8/14/09 -- added repos for YDL 6.2; protect yellowdog-extras
Updated 5/16/09 -- changed url for fedora-extras
Updated 4/14/09 -- excluding packages from fedora-extras in case protectbase fails

EDIT: Note -- the same third party repos still appear to work OK with YDL 6.1. The additional repos may cause problems with YDL 6.2. If you want to use these third party repos with 6.2, at this point I'm recommending that you disable the yellowdog-extras repo (change enabled=1 to enabled=0)

Instructions for setting up a different third party repo ("ps3bodega") for YDL 6.2 instead of fedora-extras/livna/dribble can be found here: ... =555#p3238

On a Windows or Mac machine, you would typically go to a website and download a setup file to install new software. In some cases you can do something similar to that in Linux. But, at least for now, forget all of that.

Yellow Dog is an RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) based Linux distribution. An RPM file is a pre-compiled software package. Since there are numerous versions of many different distributions of Linux which run on many different CPU architectures (x86, AMD64, PPC), there will likely be many different RPM files for a single application.

You can get RPM packages from repositories ("repos") that include software packaged for your particular distribution (Yellow Dog), version (6), and system architecture (ppc). Yellow Dog comes configured with three repositories -- yellowdog-base, yellowdog-extras, and yellowdog-updates. With just these default repos you can install an incredible number of applications.

You do this by selecting the menu item:
Applications -> System Tools -> Add/Remove Software

Once the Package Manager is loaded you can Search, Browse, or List the available applications. If you see something you want to install, you simply check the box next to it and click Apply (or the menu item File -> Apply). Then it will show what package(s) you selected and give you the option to Cancel or Continue. Don't go crazy with it -- try installing just one thing at a time at first!

Next it will start resolving dependencies. This means the package you selected may require another package in order for it to work, so the Package Manager tries to take care of that for you. If any dependencies (other packages) were added, it will notify you and give you the option to Cancel or Continue.

Once you click Continue it starts downloading packages and installs everything. Finally you get a window saying "Software Installation successfully completed." Once you click OK, the Package Manager window closes.

If the application has a graphical user interface it should now show up in your menu in an appropriate location (Games, Internet, etc).

If you installed a terminal based application with no graphical user interface (GUI), there won't be a new menu option for it. You may not even know what terminal command is used to start it. It is usually the same as the name of the package, and installed in the folder: /usr/bin Documentation is typically installed in the folder /usr/share/doc/[application-version] folder.

For example, the executable file for the gedit text editor that comes installed on Yellow Dog 6 is located here:

And the documentation is here:

Viewing documentation:

Some applications install "man pages" and you can view these from the terminal with:

man application

Using gedit as an example again:

man gedit

An easy way to view all the documentation installed on your system is to point Firefox to:

or file:///user.share.doc/ then look for the application you've installed.

You can add a bookmark to this link in Firefox -- just go to Bookmarks -> Bookmark this page or press Ctrl+D. In the "Page Bookmarked" window, change the folder to "Bookmarks Toolbar" and click Done. Then you'll have easy access to all the docs from Firefox.

Set up Additional Repositories

In addition to the default repos, you can set up other compatible repos that provide even more applications. To do this, we add certain text files to a folder called /etc/yum.repos.d

You need to have "root privileges" to add or edit files in this folder. Instead of logging out of your regular user account and logging in as "root", you can temporarily grant yourself root privileges from a terminal window. A program started from this terminal window would then have root privileges.

So, open a terminal window by selecting the menu item: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. That should open a new window with a [your username@localhost ~]$ prompt.

The command su is used to change your effective user id and group id. Entered by itself with no arguments, it assumes you want to become the "root" user and will ask for the root password. Enter this now:

Code: Select all
su -l
<root password>

(that's a lowercase l, not number 1)

Then you can open the graphical text editor from this terminal window as if you were logged in as root. So enter this:

Code: Select all

This should open a blank window titled "Unsaved Document 1".

Copy the following text in the box below Code: (highlight, right-click, select Copy -- do NOT use the forum's Select All function) from your browser window to your "Unsaved Document 1" window (right-click in the blank window and select Paste).

Code: Select all
name=Fedora Extras
exclude=finch pidgin libpurple libpurple-perl libpurple-tcl pidgin-perl \
   libpurple-devel finch-devel pidgin-devel libsmi libsmi-devel oddjob  \
   pyxdg lzo lzo-devel cvsps convmv nautilus-open-terminal gtk+ gtk+-devel \
   perl-Pod-Escapes netlabel_tools freeglut-devel freeglut perl-Pod-Simple \
   perl-PAR-Dist perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder keyutils-libs keyutils \
   keyutils-libs-devel gnash scribus splint scribus-devel perl-YAML \
   perl-Pod-Coverage conman gnash-plugin libibverbs oddjob-libs libhugetlbfs \
   libibverbs-utils libibverbs-devel oddjob-devel asciidoc perl-Error exim \
   glib tla mesa-libGLw mesa-libGLw-devel exim-doc hatari sblim-testsuite \
   perl-Module-Build help2man perl-Test-Pod libmthca-devel libmthca git \
   git-cvs git-gui git-svn git-arch git-email gitk perl-Git meanwhile-doc \
   meanwhile-devel meanwhile Canna exim-mon perl-Test-Pod-Coverage glib-devel \
   lsscsi sabayon-apply sabayon sblim-cmpi-devel sblim-wbemcli \
   sblim-cmpi-base-test sblim-cmpi-base-devel sblim-cmpi-base aide ddd \
   Canna-devel liberation-fonts Canna-libs mod_nss imlib2-devel imlib2 \
   gstreamer-python openvpn qt4 qt4-postgresql qt4-odbc qt4-mysql qt4-devel \
   qt4-sqlite qt4-doc blas-devel blas lapack lapack-devel \
   perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS python-imaging-devel python-imaging \
   python-setuptools gdk-pixbuf-devel gdk-pixbuf python-iniparse \
   cyrus-imapd-utils cyrus-imapd-perl cyrus-imapd-devel cyrus-imapd \
   yum-cron apmud

To save this new file, click on File -> Save As. In the box next to "Name" in the Save As... window, enter this:


And click on Save.

That's all you need to do in order to add the Fedora Core 6 Extras repository so its contents will show up when you use the Add/Remove programs feature.

We're going to add two more repositories in the same manner. Copy and paste the text below from your browser to your text editor window and use "Save As" to save the file under the name listed above the text.


Code: Select all
name=Livna for Fedora Core 6 - ppc - Base

NOTE: The dribble repo listed below is currently not available as of 2/11/2012, so I've changed it to 'disabled' for now (enabled=0)


Code: Select all
name=Dribble for Fedora 7 - ppc

We're done adding repos now, so you can close the gedit text editor window.


Back on the terminal window, we need to install something called protectbase. This will prevent any repositories other than yellowdog-updates from replacing files from your yellowdog-base.repo when you update. This is easy to do -- just enter or copy/paste the following three commands to your terminal window (you still need root privileges):

Code: Select all
yum install yum-protectbase

Code: Select all
echo 'protect=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-base.repo

Code: Select all
echo 'protect=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-updates.repo

Code: Select all
echo 'protect=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-extras.repo

To confirm you have the new repos set up properly, enter this command:

Code: Select all
yum repolist

The result should be:
Code: Select all
repo id              repo name                                 status
base                 Yellow Dog Linux 6 Base                   enabled
dribble              Dribble for Fedora 7 - ppc                enabled
extras               Yellow Dog Linux 6 Extras                 enabled
fedora-extras        Fedora Extras                             enabled
livna-stable Fedora Compatible Packages (st  enabled
updates              Yellow Dog Linux 6 Updates                enabled

After that you can close the terminal window -- we're done!

Now you'll have many more applications available when you use the Add / Remove Programs feature in Yellow Dog. Select the menu item Applications -> System Tools -> Add/Remove Software. The "Retrieving software information" stage will now take longer to complete since it has more to do.

In some cases an RPM will call for a dependency not included in these or the yellowdog repos since they’re included in Fedora Core 6 base. In this case you can install the dependency directly from the Fedora Core 6 download server. (link corrected 2/25/09)

To do this, simply click on the link to the RPM you need to download it. Firefox should open a window asking how you want to open the file, with Software installer as the default selection. Click OK to confirm the selection.

When the download has completed, the Software Installer will ask you for your root password. Then a "Installing packages" window will open. Click on Apply. In a few moments it should say "Software installed successfully." Click OK.

As you can see, it's possible to install directly from a repository when necessary, but this is not the preferred method of doing things. Note the naming convention used by most RPM's:


name - The name of the application
version - The version of the application (as in development, debug, etc)
release - The release number of the application
distribution - The Linux distribution for which it was packaged (fc4, fc5, ydl, etc.)
architecture - The type of hardware for which it was compiled (x86, ppc, x86_64)

There are other compatible repos you can use with Yellow Dog Linux, but it is possible for two repos to be incompatible with each other. Livna and FreshRPMs are said to be incompatible. While you might not see any immediate problem if you set up both, you will most likely run into problems later.

However, it is OK in some cases to install an RPM directly from zod (FC6) freshrpms. For example, click on "Choose a group to list" in the upper right corner and select "Emulators" to find the snes9 ppc.rpm.

If you're searching Google for an application, you need to know that you'll need one specifically for Power PC (ppc) architecture, preferably for Yellow Dog Linux (ydl) or Fedora Core 6 (fc6). It's possible that a package for Fedora 7 (fc7) may work fine, as in the case of mednafen found on Dribble. The Fedora 7 RPM for vice on Dribble does NOT work for Yellow Dog 6, however, so it is best to stick with the FC6 RPM for vice instead.

Complete Listing of repo files:

There seems to be some confusion about what repo files to use. In case you have somehow overwritten your original repo files or added incorrect ones, this list includes the 3 yellowdog repos included in the distribution, plus the 3 added in this guide.

EDIT: The listing now includes the default repos for YDL 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2. Make sure you use the correct repo setup for your install.

Yellow Dog 6.2

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 Base

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 Extras

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 Updates

Yellow Dog 6.1

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 Base

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 Extras

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 Updates

Yellow Dog 6.0:

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Base

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Extras

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Updates


Code: Select all
name=Fedora Extras
exclude=finch pidgin libpurple libpurple-perl libpurple-tcl pidgin-perl \
   libpurple-devel finch-devel pidgin-devel libsmi libsmi-devel oddjob  \
   pyxdg lzo lzo-devel cvsps convmv nautilus-open-terminal gtk+ gtk+-devel \
   perl-Pod-Escapes netlabel_tools freeglut-devel freeglut perl-Pod-Simple \
   perl-PAR-Dist perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder keyutils-libs keyutils \
   keyutils-libs-devel gnash scribus splint scribus-devel perl-YAML \
   perl-Pod-Coverage conman gnash-plugin libibverbs oddjob-libs libhugetlbfs \
   libibverbs-utils libibverbs-devel oddjob-devel asciidoc perl-Error exim \
   glib tla mesa-libGLw mesa-libGLw-devel exim-doc hatari sblim-testsuite \
   perl-Module-Build help2man perl-Test-Pod libmthca-devel libmthca git \
   git-cvs git-gui git-svn git-arch git-email gitk perl-Git meanwhile-doc \
   meanwhile-devel meanwhile Canna exim-mon perl-Test-Pod-Coverage glib-devel \
   lsscsi sabayon-apply sabayon sblim-cmpi-devel sblim-wbemcli \
   sblim-cmpi-base-test sblim-cmpi-base-devel sblim-cmpi-base aide ddd \
   Canna-devel liberation-fonts Canna-libs mod_nss imlib2-devel imlib2 \
   gstreamer-python openvpn qt4 qt4-postgresql qt4-odbc qt4-mysql qt4-devel \
   qt4-sqlite qt4-doc blas-devel blas lapack lapack-devel \
   perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS python-imaging-devel python-imaging \
   python-setuptools gdk-pixbuf-devel gdk-pixbuf python-iniparse \
   cyrus-imapd-utils cyrus-imapd-perl cyrus-imapd-devel cyrus-imapd \
   yum-cron apmud

Code: Select all
name=Livna for Fedora Core 6 - ppc - Base

Code: Select all
name=Dribble for Fedora 7 - ppc
Last edited by billb on 06 Aug 2008, 21:55, edited 12 times in total.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Commonly Installed Software

Postby billb » 07 Mar 2008, 00:06

Now that you know the basics of how to install software, here are some ideas for what to install ... you can search for these using the Add/Remove Software feature. Or, if you're not afraid of the command line, you can use yum instead.

To install using yum you'll need to become the root user first with the su command. For example, this would install the VLC media player:
Code: Select all
<enter root password>
yum install vlc

Archive Tools:

unrar - extracts .rar files
p7zip - extracts .7z files


dosbox - an x86 emulator with DOS
sdlmame - arcade machine emulator (requires additional configuration after installing)
mednafen - multi-system emulator (requires additional configuration after installing)
stella - Atari 2600 VCS emulator
e-uae - Commodore Amiga emulator
fceultra + gfceultra - NES emulator and graphical frontend


pingus - very similar to Lemmings
supertux - like SuperMario
megamario - a whole lot like Super Mario
rocksndiamonds - similar to 'Boulder Dash' and 'Emerald Mine'
Ri-li - toy wood train engine game
wesnoth - turn-based game with a fantasy theme
solarwolf - action/arcade game (shooter)

Image editing:

gimp - The GNU Image Manipulation Program


gftp - multithreaded FTP client
pan - "a Usenet newsreader that's good at both text and binaries. It supports offline reading, scoring and killfiles, yEnc, NZB, and multiserver"

Media players:

vlc - multimedia player for various audio and video formats
mplayer - movie player

Work in progress -- if you want to add something to this list feel free to reply to this thread. :)
Last edited by billb on 26 Mar 2008, 06:33, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby ZenmasteR » 07 Mar 2008, 18:52

hi I am getting errors when I run the yum protectbase,

it complains about repomd.xml file and livna website not working,
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Postby billb » 07 Mar 2008, 21:00

ZenmasteR wrote:hi I am getting errors when I run the yum protectbase,

it complains about repomd.xml file and livna website not working,

Please post or PM me the output of:

yum check-update

So I'll have a better idea of what's happening.
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Postby ZenmasteR » 08 Mar 2008, 12:34

i redid it now working
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Postby plethoraguy » 09 Mar 2008, 01:45

I set this all up but can't run ADD/REMOVE at all now...

Unable to start due to config error

I ran yum check-updates and got this error

so I thought I'd run yum protectbase again and it gave me the same error

[root@localhost ~]# yum install yum-protectbase
Loading "protectbase" plugin
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Config Error: File contains parsing errors: file://///etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-base.repo
[line 8]: 'protect1\n'
[root@localhost ~]#

Please, can you HELP???

EDIT: Just for giggles, I viewed that file in gedit and it looks like this:

name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Base

Does that look ok?
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Postby billb » 09 Mar 2008, 02:51

plethoraguy wrote:protect1

Yes ... looks like you had a typo (leaving out the = sign) the first time you ran the echo command which appends protect=1 to /etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-base.repo ... so just edit that file, removing the protect1 line and one of the protect=1 lines, so it looks like this:

Code: Select all
name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Base

To bring up the editor from the command line, use:

Code: Select all
<root password>

gedit /etc/yum.repos.d
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Postby plethoraguy » 09 Mar 2008, 03:35

Excellent! Thank you... you forum mods are worth your weight in gold....
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Postby pablo » 09 Mar 2008, 04:51

plethoraguy wrote:Excellent! Thank you... you forum mods are worth your weight in gold....

billb and paul are the best
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Postby satakal » 11 Mar 2008, 05:00

For those out there that can't type... like me, here's a piece of advice that may save you a few hours.

"/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-extras.repo "
is not that same as

That space at the end will kill you and make your initial Linux experience painful. So, when in gedit, make sure you save your repo names with no space at the end.
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Postby coffeetime » 11 Mar 2008, 10:06

Hi guys :D !

I have again problems with repos. I was following the guide, seems I'm doing every time the same mistakes. So, if I run:
$ ls /etc/yum.repos.d
yellowdog-base.repo yellowdog-extras.repo yellowdog-updates.repo

I see only this three repos.

If I check

I see this

# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
# in /etc/yum.repos.d

name=Fedora Extras

[livna-stable] Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)

name=Dribble for Fedora Core 6 - ppc

name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Base

name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Extras

name=Yellow Dog Linux 6 Updates

And if I check updates, I get this:
# yum check-updates
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "protectbase" plugin
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
usage: yum [options] < grouplist, localinstall, groupinfo, localupdate, resolvedep, erase, deplist, groupremove, makecache, upgrade, provides, shell, install, whatprovides, groupinstall, update, repolist, groupupdate, info, search, check-update, list, remove, clean, grouperase >

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --tolerant be tolerant of errors
-C run entirely from cache, don't update cache
-c [config file] config file location
-R [minutes] maximum command wait time
-d [debug level] debugging output level
-e [error level] error output level
-y answer yes for all questions
--version show Yum version and exit
--installroot=[path] set install root
--enablerepo=[repo] enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)
--disablerepo=[repo] disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)
-x [package], --exclude=[package]
exclude package(s) by name or glob
--obsoletes enable obsoletes processing during updates
--noplugins disable Yum plugins
--nogpgcheck disable gpg signature checking

What did I do wrong? Can somebody give me a tip?
I'm using KDE on YDL 6
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Postby billb » 11 Mar 2008, 14:51

coffeetime wrote:Hi guys :D !

I have again problems with repos. I was following the guide, seems I'm doing every time the same mistakes. So, if I run:
$ ls /etc/yum.repos.d
yellowdog-base.repo yellowdog-extras.repo yellowdog-updates.repo

I see only this three repos.

The guide doesn't suggest putting them in /etc/yum.conf ... and because you have them the yellowdog repos in yum.conf AND /etc/yum.repos.d, it's giving you the error about them being listed more than once.

At least take the yellowdog repos out of yum.conf and leave the default ones in /etc/yum.repos.d. Better to save them all as individual files as suggested, but what you have should work OK after that, I guess.

Also make sure you've installed yum-protectbase and that your yellowdog-base.repo has protect=1 in it.
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Postby billb » 11 Mar 2008, 14:54

satakal wrote:For those out there that can't type... like me, here's a piece of advice that may save you a few hours.

"/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-extras.repo "
is not that same as

That space at the end will kill you and make your initial Linux experience painful. So, when in gedit, make sure you save your repo names with no space at the end.

Interesting ... so just having that space on the end in the files causes a problem? Ugh ... thanks for letting us know.
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Postby ppietro » 11 Mar 2008, 17:14

billb wrote:Interesting ... so just having that space on the end in the files causes a problem? Ugh ... thanks for letting us know.

Welcome to Linux - enjoy your stay! :lol:

Yeah - that kind of thing is very typical of UNIX. When you edit the Makefiles to build code, you have to be extremely careful about trailing spaces.

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Postby agentn2o » 13 Mar 2008, 05:50

Thanks for this thread, got all repos and protectbase set and running but I have a general question wrt the RPMs...

How do updates work? Will the system check for updated software packages that I have installed when I load the Add/Remove Software app or do I have to run "yum check-updates" or some other command? For example I have VLC 0.8.6c installed, will I have to manually search for VLC updates periodically or will I somehow be notified?
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