Howto: Install Java plugin for Firefox (YDL 6)

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Howto: Install Java plugin for Firefox (YDL 6)

Postby billb » 24 Feb 2008, 05:48

Sun offers Java for x86 and x64 Linux that can't be used on the PS3 (which runs PPC Linux). However, IBM produces an implementation of Java that does work on PPC Linux. Here's how to install the IBM Java plugin for Firefox on Yellow Dog 6:

Install IBM Java

Go here: ... nload.html

Click on the link for Java SE Version 6 for 32-bit IBM POWER

You'll need to register with IBM, sign in, accept license agreement, yada
yada yada...

Click on the link to Download using http

Click on this one:
rpm format

Open with system-install-packages, Click OK

Install the Mozilla plugin

Once IBM Java install is finished, open a terminal window.
Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

Create a symbolic link to /opt/ibm/java-ppc-60/jre/plugin/ppc/ns7/ in the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder:

Code: Select all
<root password>

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

ln -s /opt/ibm/java-ppc-60/jre/plugin/ppc/ns7/


Confirm Installation

Restart Firefox if it's already running.

In Firefox, where you normally would enter an http: address, enter:


You should see this show up in the list:

Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0-internal-root_16_nov_2007_18_41-b00

After this, you should be able to run Java applets in Firefox 2, complete
with sound.

Of course then you'll want to make sure it's working:
Try selecting a time zone ... ZZZzz...
A very active mutliplayer Java game site featuring pool, chess, Reversi,
etc. Expect to see lots of banner ads. (EDIT: Might have some issues. Confirmed to work with IBM Java 5.0)
A Java-based MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)

UPDATE: Thanks to javayoda for mentioning we can use Java 6. :D If you need to use Java 5 instead, select J2SE 5.0 for 32-bit iSeries/pSeries. Download/install this one: ibm-java2-ppc-jre-5.0-6.0.ppc.rpm, and to create the symbolic link, use this:
Code: Select all
ln -s /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50/jre/bin/

All other steps remain the same.
Last edited by billb on 02 Mar 2008, 00:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby agentn2o » 24 Feb 2008, 06:39

Question: My plugin install fails because it tells me there is a dependency problem with missing libstdc++ something or other. This is from the software developers package that I did not install with the OS, n'est pas? How do I install this from the YDL6 DVD package (this is the most compatible version I would guess). I am trying to limit how much extra stuff I install so what is the minimum here? Thanks.
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Re: Howto: Install Java plugin for Firefox (YDL 6)

Postby billb » 24 Feb 2008, 08:05

agentn2o wrote:Question: My plugin install fails because it tells me there is a dependency problem with missing libstdc++ something or other. This is from the software developers package that I did not install with the OS, n'est pas? How do I install this from the YDL6 DVD package (this is the most compatible version I would guess). I am trying to limit how much extra stuff I install so what is the minimum here? Thanks.

Understood. The file you need is located on the install DVD in the YellowDog folder:


The easiest way would be to navigate to the YellowDog folder on your install DVD using the file browser (Nautilus) and double-click on the compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.ppc.rpm file to install it.

That should take care of the dependency issue so you can install Java. Normally this will be taken care of automatically when the YellowDog repos are working.
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Postby agentn2o » 24 Feb 2008, 08:29

hey thanks, you rock!

solid advice... note I didn't even have to do the symbolic link after I installed the IBM rpm I tested it by opening a new tab to the Time server page and voila!

Actually I tried to make the symbolic link using:

cd /usr/lib/firefox-

ln -s /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50/jre/bin/

But it told me it was already done. Good to go. Cheers.
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Postby billb » 24 Feb 2008, 08:55

agentn2o wrote:Actually I tried to make the symbolic link using:

cd /usr/lib/firefox-

ln -s /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50/jre/bin/

Oops -- that should have been:

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

Though I guess it works either way... ? Corrected the guide. :D
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Postby rask69 » 28 Feb 2008, 15:36

im having the same dependency problem but im using ydl 5 so what do i do?
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Re: Howto: Install Java plugin for Firefox (YDL 6)

Postby ppietro » 28 Feb 2008, 18:23

rask69 wrote:im having the same dependency problem but im using ydl 5 so what do i do?

Go here:

EDIT: Right post - but I forgot the solution is buried in it. You want this:

Code: Select all
# yum install compat-libstdc++-33

(Installs "/usr/lib/", which is required by the IBM Java.)

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Java 6 on YDL 6

Postby javayoda » 01 Mar 2008, 08:09

I followed these instructions and downloaded both Java 6 and Java 5. The good news is that Java 6 also works and is much faster. Games on Mocha (a TRS-80 Color Computer emulator applet) are only playable on Java 6. Highly recommended.
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Re: Java 6 on YDL 6

Postby billb » 01 Mar 2008, 08:21

javayoda wrote:I followed these instructions and downloaded both Java 6 and Java 5. The good news is that Java 6 also works and is much faster. Games on Mocha (a TRS-80 Color Computer emulator applet) are only playable on Java 6. Highly recommended.

Thanks, that sounds great -- will check it out. I haven't had any major speed issues with 5 except over on gagaplay, and it would certainly help on Runescape, too.
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Postby arcturion » 05 Mar 2008, 07:06

the path for the java 6 plugin is /opt/ibm/java-ppc-60/jre/plugin/ppc/ns7/
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Postby billb » 05 Mar 2008, 07:27

arcturion wrote:the path for the java 6 plugin is /opt/ibm/java-ppc-60/jre/plugin/ppc/ns7/

The guide has already been updated for Java 6, but thanks anyway. :D
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Postby sprintfinanceguy » 06 Mar 2008, 03:14

I signed up for the IBM site over the weekend, but I updated my version of linux to the 6.0 public distro, and now the site seems to be down? Is there any other way to get this file?
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Postby ppietro » 06 Mar 2008, 03:17

sprintfinanceguy wrote:I signed up for the IBM site over the weekend, but I updated my version of linux to the 6.0 public distro, and now the site seems to be down? Is there any other way to get this file?

Not really - no. :(

Wait - though - you mean this site?
because it works for me....

(I mean - is down? How can that happen? Didn't they invent computers? ;) )

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Postby sprintfinanceguy » 06 Mar 2008, 03:32

I swear it wasn't working for about half an hour a little while ago? maintanance downtime maybe? Seems to be back up and running now.
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Postby Sony boj » 08 Mar 2008, 13:08

I am dling now! Great guide
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