Installing the GTK+ from source

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Installing the GTK+ from source

Postby uncooldude » 27 Mar 2008, 00:47

Alright, I have YDL 5.0.2 on an iMac w/ G3 processor. Works great, although it was a pain in the a** to install.

Here's my delimma: THIS computer doesn't have Internet access, so I can't use YUM.

Now, I want to install the XMMS player, but I can't find an RPM. And the XMMS configure script demands a newer version of the GTK+. I would also like to install a newer version of GIMP, but that also requires a newer version of the GTK+ (duh).

Unfortunately, the GTK+ has a laundry list of requirements, including GLIB and Pango and ATK and... and... and...

...well, unfortunately for ME, GLIB seems to compile and install perfectly, but when it comes to Pango, or ATK, or GTK+, all their configure scripts insist that the newer version of GLIB has not been installed.

Can somebody help me with this problem? GLIB installs, but other configure scripts can't seem to find the newer version?
Last edited by uncooldude on 15 Apr 2008, 21:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Software installs without internet access

Postby billb » 27 Mar 2008, 02:45

uncooldude wrote:...well, unfortunately for ME, GLIB seems to compile and install perfectly, but when it comes to Pango, or ATK, or GTK+, all their configure scripts insist that the newer version of GLIB has not been installed.

Can somebody help me with this problem? GLIB installs, but other configure scripts can't seem to find the newer version?[/i]

When you're compiling/installing GLIB, are you running ./configure by itself, or ./configure --prefix=/usr ?

In my limited experience with compiling, I have found that sometimes you need to use:

Code: Select all
./configure --prefix=/usr

So that when you run make and finally make install, the libraries get installed to /usr/lib instead of /usr/local/lib (the default if you just say ./configure by itself). Then the configure scripts for the other stuff you're trying to install should be able to find what they want in the default location.
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Postby uncooldude » 28 Mar 2008, 01:02

Ahh. You see, I may have forgotten to mention, I'm a Linux Noob. I have no idea where software installs to on the system -- I know all about Windows, though. (Ick).

Will try out the --prefix /usr and see if it works.

By the way, if the default setting doesn't work, then why is it the "default" setting? Works for Debian or Unix or something, but doesn't work for YDL?
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Postby billb » 28 Mar 2008, 01:57

uncooldude wrote:By the way, if the default setting doesn't work, then why is it the "default" setting? Works for Debian or Unix or something, but doesn't work for YDL?

I'm really not that far beyond "Linux Noob" status myself! :D I'm kind of learning as I go here, so I don't know all the details of why things are set the way they are. If I were really interested in learning about it I might start reading about it here, but ugh ... :roll: ... that's a lot of reading! :wink:
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Postby ppietro » 28 Mar 2008, 03:06

uncooldude wrote:Ahh. You see, I may have forgotten to mention, I'm a Linux Noob. I have no idea where software installs to on the system -- I know all about Windows, though. (Ick).

Will try out the --prefix /usr and see if it works.

By the way, if the default setting doesn't work, then why is it the "default" setting? Works for Debian or Unix or something, but doesn't work for YDL?

Well - the reason the default is /usr/local is because it's an application you're compiling instead of an application for the system. Anytime you need to compile a system level library, and not a personal library, you need to specify /usr.

For example - you might have GTK 1.0 libraries that were distributed with your OS in your /usr directory. Then, you might compile GTK 2.0 libraries from scratch for your own personal use in /usr/local.

One of the beauties of Linux is that a terminal window can be manually configured to look in various places and it doesn't affect any of the other running processes or users on your system. So - in this example - you would type something like export PATH=/usr/local/gtk2.0:$PATH in your terminal window. Then that - and only that - window and any processes it launches would see your custom files.

I've actually done something like this for PS2 Linux when I was first working on Firefox 2.0. I wanted to see what some of the modern graphic libraries looked like - but I didn't want to tamper with my base PS2 Linux installation. So - I compiled all the latest custom graphics libraries to /usr/local and set my terminal windows accordingly. It turned out that the memory footprint with modern graphic libraries was too large for the PS2 - it only has 32 megs RAM! - and I was better off using the older ones. Since the modern libs were all in /usr/local - and the system didn't look there by default - I only had to close my terminal window. :)

I've previously posted a history of why UNIX files go where they do here:

Hope this helps. :)

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Postby uncooldude » 29 Mar 2008, 23:32

>>paul, thanks for the post! It answers a lot of questions.
>>billb: thanks for your solution, it worked. Unfortunately, now I have another problem: The GTK+ won't compile, because it swears it can't find something called libjpeg. I just installed something that was listed as a dependency at the GTK+ site -- the source tarball was called jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz. What the heck is going wrong now? --and I did use the --prefix=/usr parameter when configuring.

By the way, here's the error message from GTK+:

Code: Select all
onfigure: WARNING: *** JPEG loader will not be built (JPEG library not found) ***
configure: error:
*** Checks for JPEG loader failed. You can build without it by passing
*** --without-libjpeg to configure but some programs using GTK+ may
*** not work properly
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Postby billb » 29 Mar 2008, 23:50

uncooldude wrote:>>paul, thanks for the post! It answers a lot of questions.
>>billb: thanks for your solution, it worked. Unfortunately, now I have another problem: The GTK+ won't compile, because it swears it can't find something called libjpeg. I just installed something that was listed as a dependency at the GTK+ site -- the source tarball was called jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz. What the heck is going wrong now? --and I did use the --prefix=/usr parameter when configuring.

By the way, here's the error message from GTK+:

Code: Select all
onfigure: WARNING: *** JPEG loader will not be built (JPEG library not found) ***
configure: error:
*** Checks for JPEG loader failed. You can build without it by passing
*** --without-libjpeg to configure but some programs using GTK+ may
*** not work properly

I have never installed that from the source package, but normally you'd need to install libjpeg and libjpeg-devel rpms (you need the devel package to compile programs that want libjpeg).

"The libjpeg-devel package includes the header files and documentation necessary for developing programs which will manipulate JPEG files using the libjpeg library. If you are going to develop programs which will manipulate JPEG images, you should install libjpeg-devel. You'll also need to have the libjpeg package installed"

Sorry this may not be of much help to you .... I realize you're not installing from RPMs, but maybe there's a different source archive you need?
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Ok, I think I figured out the problem....

Postby uncooldude » 02 Apr 2008, 23:40

....the problem is, I never have enough time to read everything I should.

I looked up libjpeg on Google, and found out that I need to add a couple of command-line options when compiling jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz -- namely, during the ./configure step:

Code: Select all
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-static --enable-shared

This makes libjpeg visible to GTK+.

Unfortunately, now my GTK+ source fails during make, and not ./configure, heh, heh, heh.

I think the new problem has to do with a bug in GTK+, and I'll get the absolute newest stable release, re-attempt the install, and post tomorrow if it works.

P.S. For everybody who wants to get down and dirty with Linux, or just wants to know more about Linux, I think I found a great place to learn: Since I'm such a noob, I'm sure that everybody other than me knows about it, but if you don't, check it out.
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Another error message. Gag.

Postby uncooldude » 11 Apr 2008, 00:23

Ok, I finally got my GTK+ source all the way to the
Code: Select all
step, but then it fails mid-make. It says something about "pangocairo" and quits.

What the heck is making it fail in the make step?
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Re: Another error message. Gag.

Postby ppietro » 11 Apr 2008, 03:28

uncooldude wrote:Ok, I finally got my GTK+ source all the way to the
Code: Select all
step, but then it fails mid-make. It says something about "pangocairo" and quits.

What the heck is making it fail in the make step?

Pardon me for jumping in here, but pango & cairo are both Linux libraries.

You probably need to compile and install these to get GTK to compile.

GTK apparently creates something called "pangocairo" which is Pango using Cairo:

(jumping back out)

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Paul: I KNOW about the dependencies...

Postby uncooldude » 15 Apr 2008, 21:26

Thanqs, pp, but I already know about the dependencies. In fact, I've already compiled and installed:

Glib 2.14.5
Pango 1.18.4
ATK 1.9.1
Cairo 1.2.6
Libjpeg v 6

Without these packages being installed, the ./configure step for GTK+ won't even work! As I mentioned, the install failed in the "make" step. Here's the junk it outputted to my terminal:

Code: Select all
/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `pango_cairo_show_error_underline'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [gtk-query-immodules-2.0] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@localhost gtk+-2.12.9]#

Once again, if anybody can give me any help with this, it would be appreciated.
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Re: Paul: I KNOW about the dependencies...

Postby ppietro » 15 Apr 2008, 21:36

uncooldude wrote:Thanqs, pp, but I already know about the dependencies. In fact, I've already compiled and installed:

Glib 2.16.1

Without these packages being installed, the ./configure step for GTK+ won't even work! As I mentioned, the install failed in the "make" step. Here's the junk it outputted to my terminal:

Code: Select all
/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `pango_cairo_show_error_underline'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [gtk-query-immodules-2.0] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9/gtk'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/program_sources/GTK+_etc/GTK/gtk+-2.12.9'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@localhost gtk+-2.12.9]#

Once again, if anybody can give me any help with this, it would be appreciated.

Yeah - I think I may have answered your question in my post via the PangoCairo link. :)

It mentions that if you build Pango without Cairo, PangoCairo doesn't get created. You may need to rebuild Pango to get PangoCairo to build.

GTK requires not only that you have various sub libraries compiled - but that you compile them in a specific order. :)

Since your error during make is that the can't find a pango_cairo_show_error_underline reference, this would indicate that pangocairo isn't present - or isn't compiled correctly.

What do you get for an output if you type this?
pkg-config --exists pango pangocairo

If this indicates that PangoCairo is present, the other thing that would cause this type of error is outdated libraries. So - GTK would be looking for a reference that exists only in later versions of PangoCairo. This would mean that you need to update Cairo & Pango with newer code and rebuild.

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See, that's the problem with me...

Postby uncooldude » 15 Apr 2008, 22:14

...I read tons of stuff, but I always miss the important things

Your reply to my post will probably do the trick for the whole pango_cairo thing. You're right.

Sorry for my stupid questions, but as my rating indicates, I'm a YDL noob.
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Success at last

Postby uncooldude » 19 Apr 2008, 22:21

Well, folks, I re-compiled and installed Cairo, and then Pango, and FINALLY, I was able to compile and install the GTK+ source. (Unfortunately for me, the Gimp 2.4 installer wants a newer version of Python).

Unfortunately for me, now the embedded SVG viewer in Gnome doesn't work. My SVG desktop background doesn't show up, and a lot of the SVG artwork in the Gnome games doesn't show up. Can anybody tell me what the problem there is?

Also, now that I've figured out the process of compiling and installing the GTK+, should I maybe post a sticky with the steps I followed? You know, for idiots like me, in the future, to follow?
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Re: Success at last

Postby billb » 20 Apr 2008, 00:30

uncooldude wrote:Well, folks, I re-compiled and installed Cairo, and then Pango, and FINALLY, I was able to compile and install the GTK+ source. (Unfortunately for me, the Gimp 2.4 installer wants a newer version of Python).

Unfortunately for me, now the embedded SVG viewer in Gnome doesn't work. My SVG desktop background doesn't show up, and a lot of the SVG artwork in the Gnome games doesn't show up. Can anybody tell me what the problem there is?

Also, now that I've figured out the process of compiling and installing the GTK+, should I maybe post a sticky with the steps I followed? You know, for idiots like me, in the future, to follow?

Sorry I can't help with this -- but sure, it is always good to post a howto when possible. Sometimes when I re-install I find myself following my own guides ('cause I forget how I did it)! :lol:
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