YDL on IBM RS/6000 B50

Architecture specific questions.

YDL on IBM RS/6000 B50

Postby Rio » 29 Sep 2008, 16:10

I've got a few B50s that I've decided to play around with again. Will the newest version of Yellowdog install on the B50? Or should I look for an older version?

Also, last time, I was prompted that a firmware update was needed, but I never updated the firmware. Does anyone have a link to the firmware necessary to run YDL on an this machine?

On a few somewhat related notes, does anyone have a practical use for 4 B50s and 4 drive arrays? I've considered a file server, but with the high cost of scsi drives vs the relatively low cost of sata, it doesn't seem cost efficient. One of them will be used for an in-home web server to run a web-based security app I'm writing to manage several different network webcams....but that still leaves 3 of these ancient beasts.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts.
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