tiny windowing

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tiny windowing

Postby consolebosshog » 12 Dec 2008, 02:38

lbtwin how to set up thanks
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Re: tiny windowing

Postby ppietro » 12 Dec 2008, 02:40

consolebosshog wrote:lbtwin how to set up thanks

For what hardware? PS3? Mac? Something else?

Also - if you could provide a link or something that gives more information, that would be great. I google searched lbtwin and came up with nothing. :(

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Re: tiny windowing

Postby consolebosshog » 12 Dec 2008, 12:28

i did yellow dog sdtv install went to the graphical installer and searched the letter x under available packages and installed. it there is also a development package. I have no other repositories set up but what came originally set up.

I was thinking about if enough smart people got together they could have a remaster of yellow dog. just brainstorming. But some features that would be nice. install has fast as helios. log in from kboot them script could switchroot to main ten gigs. Have the speed of puppy linux slim down depencies. Maybe gui from kernel (FBUI).
d y n e : b o l i c -- a free multimedia studio in a GNU/Linux live CD has a real nice install it is like just placing two or three files on hard drive. Is there any groups working on this. when a new guy messes up on boot files or graphics these features are nice to have it up and running quickly. So he can try it again. what is your thought? have you ever tried puppy linux? thanks for response
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Re: tiny windowing

Postby ppietro » 12 Dec 2008, 13:29

consolebosshog wrote:i did yellow dog sdtv install went to the graphical installer and searched the letter x under available packages and installed. it there is also a development package. I have no other repositories set up but what came originally set up.

I was thinking about if enough smart people got together they could have a remaster of yellow dog. just brainstorming. But some features that would be nice. install has fast as helios. log in from kboot them script could switchroot to main ten gigs. Have the speed of puppy linux slim down depencies. Maybe gui from kernel (FBUI).
d y n e : b o l i c -- a free multimedia studio in a GNU/Linux live CD has a real nice install it is like just placing two or three files on hard drive. Is there any groups working on this. when a new guy messes up on boot files or graphics these features are nice to have it up and running quickly. So he can try it again. what is your thought? have you ever tried puppy linux? thanks for response

Not to be annoying or anything - but you still haven't answered my main question.


Based on what you're describing, it sounds like you're running a PS3. But - you need to tell us. YDL runs on a number of completely different hardware platforms. PS3, Macintosh, IBM Blade server, Fixstars hardware, etc. They're all set up slightly differently, and it's hard to give advice when I don't know what I'm talking about.

EDIT: Ah - you have a PS3. I see that you answered that in another post.

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Re: tiny windowing

Postby ppietro » 12 Dec 2008, 13:34

consolebosshog wrote:i did yellow dog sdtv install went to the graphical installer and searched the letter x under available packages and installed. it there is also a development package. I have no other repositories set up but what came originally set up.

That doesn't appear on my system. Can you give us the full package name? Thanks! :)

EDIT: Nevermind - I got it. It's libtwin, not lbtwin. I'll take a peek at it.

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Re: tiny windowing

Postby consolebosshog » 12 Dec 2008, 21:05

Sorry I mispelled libtwin I will try to take more time. I wont make any excuses for it other then being lazy I will work on it
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Re: tiny windowing

Postby ppietro » 13 Dec 2008, 00:05

ppietro wrote:It's libtwin, not lbtwin. I'll take a peek at it.

Okay - quick update. libtwin can't be run by itself - it's a base library. The only thing that appears to use this library currently is Petitboot: http://ozlabs.org/~jk/projects/petitboot/

There was a developmental package called twin. I tried building it from source. It did compile, but it did not execute. It apparently does not like the PS3's video display. Also - the twin code appears to be deprecated or unmaintained - the last activity on the code branch was last January. The libtwin library seems to be more current.

So - in summary - nothing to see here. Move along. :D

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Re: tiny windowing

Postby consolebosshog » 13 Dec 2008, 00:44

Thanks for looking into that I guess i was just reaching for something. I know the ps3 is finicky or just so new. I mean i read someones fix at the black borders on the screen display was duck tape. I also tried another persons step by step directions messing with the whole fb settings a while back and lost the whole display so I just said forget it for now. Like you said nothing to see here move along later Pete
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