Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

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Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

Postby ikledude » 21 Jul 2009, 00:09


I am a Noob to Linux (well a love/hate relationship) however I have a good understanding.

I am extremely impressed with YDL 6.1

I have 3 remaining issues/quirks/features/bugs that are on my list to resolve within my installation.
1. Black border/Overscan issue. – hopefully discussed below
2. Flash – maybe a future post if I fail.
3. PS3 controller as mouse via Bluetooth – maybe a future post if I fail.

This may all be in vain as YDL 6.2 may fix all of what I need!?!? (any ideas when it will be released to the public?)

If you have a working fix for items 2 & 3 please do post a link.

I am running a 40” Samsung LCD 1080p (1920 x 1080).

Black border/Over scan issue
I have followed an extremely in-depth guide from YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&v=32EJ9kPUXdY
However when shrinking the screen size nothing happens:

previous, This guide will not work for you, Unless you update your kernel to atleast kernel-2.6.24 or later. Which in that case you might as well just upgrade to YDL 6.1!

You need to be running fullscreen mode in order to use this fix, Fbset is only able to down-scale the resolution it cannot up-scale the resolution. So if you are not already running fullscreen because of the overscan issue, go ahead and switch to fullscreen mode now.

To switch to fullscreen mode open up the terminal and run the command below.

su -
enter your root password
gedit /etc/yaboot.conf

This will open up the yaboot.conf file with the text editor.

To enable fullscreen mode just add 128 to your current mode number under the (default=linux) heading . In the example below you can see the previous mode:# was 3 (3+128=131) So I needed to switch the

append="video=ps3fb:mode:3 rhgb quiet root=LABEL=/1" - Mine is 5

line to

append="video=ps3fb:mode:131 rhgb quiet root=LABEL=/1" - Mine is 133


append="video=ps3fb:mode:3 rhgb quiet root=LABEL=/1" - Mine is 5


append="video=ps3fb:mode:131 rhgb quiet root=LABEL=/1" - Mine is 133

Now reboot the system.Once you've rebooted into fullscreen mode open up the terminal and run the commands below.

At this point I have rebooted and yes in full screen mode with over scan

su -
enter your root password

This will display your current mode settings. Should look like this but your mode/geometry lines will vary.

mode "1280x720-60"
# D: 74.178 MHz, H: 44.957 kHz, V: 59.942 Hz
geometry 1280 720 1280 720 32 - Mine is 1920 1080 1920 1080 32
timings 13481 260 110 39 26 80 5
bcast true
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24

Take a look at the geometry line. Your going to be copying them to use for a startup script.

geometry 1280 720 1280 720 32

The first line is your xres, in the example above the xres is 1280.

The second line is your yres, in the example above the yres is 720.

The third line is your -vxres, in the example above the -vxres is 1280.

The fourth line is your -vyres, in the example above the -vyres is 720.

xres and vxres = horizontal screen size

yres and vyres = vertical screen size

Copy these numbers your going to need them. Now you need to create a startup script. Open up the terminal and run the commands below to create fbset and open it in the text editor!

su -
enter root password
gedit /etc/init.d/fbset

Replace the -xres -vxres and -yres -vyres with your xres and yres numbers from the fbset test above.

/usr/sbin/fbset -a -xres 1280 -yres 720 -vxres 1280 -vyres 720
exit 0

Now once you've created the startup script in /etc/init.d open up the terminal and run the commands below. This will create a symbolic link to your startup script in your rc5.d or rc3.d directory.

If you done a text based install of YDL 6.1 use this command to create youyr symbolic link.

su -
enter root password
ln -s /etc/init.d/fbset /etc/rc3.d/S99fbset

If you done a graphical install of YDL 6.1 then use this command below to create your symbolic link.

su -
enter root password
ln -s /etc/init.d/fbset /etc/rc5.d/S99fbset

Once you've created the startup script and the symbolic link, You need to make it executable using chmod. Open up the terminal and run the commands below.

su -
enter root password
chmod 775 /etc/init.d/fbset

Now to fix your overscan issue open up the terminal and run the command below.

su -
enter root password
gedit /etc/init.d/fbset

At this point I have rebooted and yes in full screen mode with over scan but the following doesn’t seem to have any affect.

To get rid of the overscan just modify the -xres -yres -vxres -vyres lines by deducting 10 from each one and save the changes and reboot. It will take multiple reboots to get the correct settings but you will get it. Note your yres and vyres res will more then likely be correct long before the -xres -vxres. So once your yres and vyres are correct just stop reducing it and just recude the xres and vxres number save the changes and reboot you will evntually find the correct settings.

In the example above the correct settings ended up being.

/usr/sbin/fbset -a -xres 1200 -yres 680 -vxres 1200 -vyres 680
exit 0

At this point I have even tried the following but to no avail!

/usr/sbin/fbset -a -xres 1024 -yres 768 -vxres 1024 –vyres 768
exit 0

I asume I am missing something simple!
Any ideas would gratefully be appreciated.

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Re: Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

Postby ppietro » 21 Jul 2009, 03:34

ikledude wrote:I have 3 remaining issues/quirks/features/bugs that are on my list to resolve within my installation.
1. Black border/Overscan issue. – hopefully discussed below
2. Flash – maybe a future post if I fail.
3. PS3 controller as mouse via Bluetooth – maybe a future post if I fail.

Issue 1: By default, YDL sets video modes with black borders on the sides. You can override this, and set the video mode to fullscreen by adding +128 to the current video mode in /etc/yaboot.conf.

Full documentation here:

If you set your video to fullscreen, and the screen goes beyond the edges of your set, you have two options. One is fbset - which you've started taking a look at - but before you try that, you should try the second option and check to see if your Samsung has a 1:1 mode. It's known by other names on HDTVs, but basically it's a mode that shows every pixel with no overscan. Many HDTVs do have this mode.

Issue 2: There is no Adobe Flash for PowerPC Linux. We are forced to use reverse engineered, open source alternatives like gnash or swfdec. These are slower than Flash, and have some issues.

The current version of Gnash in YDL (0.8.1) doesn't work with YouTube, but the latest one (0.8.5) does. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty building software from source, there are instructions here:

Otherwise, YDL 6.2 will have an updated Gnash.

Some folks use mplayer for YouTube:

Also - Download Helper works well for YouTube too. That's a Firefox extension:

Issue 3: There's a user who got it working under YDL 6.1:

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Re: Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

Postby ikledude » 21 Jul 2009, 09:01

Hi Paul,

If you set your video to fullscreen, and the screen goes beyond the edges of your set, you have two options. One is fbset - which you've started taking a look at - but before you try that, you should try the second option and check to see if your Samsung has a 1:1 mode. It's known by other names on these sets, but basically it's a mode that shows every pixel with no overscan. Many HDTVs do have this mode.

I will defiantly take a look at this tonight as this would be a much easier option!

Issue 2: There is no Adobe Flash for PowerPC Linux. We are forced to use reverse engineered, open source alternatives like gnash or swfdec. These are slower than Flash, and have some issues.

I did come aross this while trialing another distro... http://en.opensuse.org/PowerPC_Flash_Player not sure if i can port it across.
Long term I think I will wait to YDL 6.2 - no point in reinventing the wheel.
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Re: Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

Postby ppietro » 21 Jul 2009, 11:07

ikledude wrote:I did come aross this while trialing another distro... http://en.opensuse.org/PowerPC_Flash_Player not sure if i can port it across.
Long term I think I will wait to YDL 6.2 - no point in reinventing the wheel.

I tried for a long time to get that to run. See here:

The upshot? It never quite worked.

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Re: Unable to Scale 1080p screen (YDL 6.1 black border/overscan)

Postby ikledude » 21 Jul 2009, 22:13


Full Sreen issue resolved (via TV not code):

If this helps anyone;

On the Samsung TV:
Menu > Picture > Picture Options > Size > 'Screen Fit' (the default may have been 16:9)
- This option only became visiable for me when viewing the HDMI (so don't upset the lady and look for the option while she's watching tv! :mrgreen: )

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