Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

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Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Keith99 » 31 Jul 2009, 00:20

Question #1: How do I create another user, I searched google and these boards, but couldn't find anything. On google I found something where I go in the terminal, type 'su' then entered the root password, and after that typed 'adduser' and then the user name, but it didn't recognize adduser command.

Question #2: Can you tell me if this program (it's on this website: http://www.phunland.com, don't worry, its not a bad site) will run on yellow dog linux.

Question #3: Also, what are some sites that have programs made for yellow dog linux, and is there anything (like something really important, or something I need to download to help it run)I need to know about the OS.

I'm running Yellow Dog 6.1 on a brand new 80 gb PS3 (if that helps). I'm completely new to Linux. Thanks for any help.
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 31 Jul 2009, 01:23

Keith99 wrote:Question #1: How do I create another user, I searched google and these boards, but couldn't find anything. On google I found something where I go in the terminal, type 'su' then entered the root password, and after that typed 'adduser' and then the user name, but it didn't recognize adduser command.

That's the manual way to do it. You probably need to use su -l instead of just su. su, by itself, keeps your standard user paths and environment - adduser is probably hidden for root user only. su -l will log you in with root's path and environment variables.

However - there is a GUI tool that will do it. I'm away from my PS3 right now, but see if there's a "Users and Groups" in the menus.

Keith99 wrote:Question #2: Can you tell me if this program (it's on this website: http://www.phunland.com, don't worry, its not a bad site) will run on yellow dog linux.

Doubtful. They mention the need for graphics acceleration:
You'll need a decent computer with hardware 3D (well, 2D) acceleration.

Neither of these are available on YDL on the PS3. This is due to the hypervisor lockout of the nVidia RSX graphics chip. Instead the hypervisor simulates a very simple framebuffer display. Currently, there is no way around this.

Also - I downloaded the Linux version. Since it's what we call a "tarball" - that's the .tgz ending - I would have expected it to be source code. Instead, it's a pre-compiled binary - for Intel x86 processors. Unfortunately, that won't work on the PowerPC (ppc) core of the Cell in your PS3.

So - in this case - two strikes and you're out, I'm afraid.

Keith99 wrote:Question #3: Also, what are some sites that have programs made for yellow dog linux, and is there anything (like something really important, or something I need to download to help it run)I need to know about the OS.

I'm running Yellow Dog 6.1 on a brand new 80 gb PS3 (if that helps). I'm completely new to Linux. Thanks for any help.

The best place to start is here:
Please READ ME FIRST (known issues, useful links, and help)
and I'm not just saying that because I'm a site admin. :D

You'll open up a large world of software if you setup your PS3 according to this post:
Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

This adds repositories of software to your YDL installation. You can just use the "Add/Remove Software" program to see all the extra programs you can load.

And - take the time to read through this forum a bit. I know it's daunting - but we've amassed a lot of information here. :D

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Keith99 » 31 Jul 2009, 03:56

One more question, I found this site (i think its sourceforge, something like that) and wanted to download and install a program called tuxpaint, but when it starts checking for dependencies it gives me this message: Error resolving dependencies Unable to resolve dependencies for some packages selected for installation. Details: Missing Dependency: SDL_ttf is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_Pango is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_mixer is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libpaper.so.1 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_Pango.so.1 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libpaper is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_image is needed by package tuxpaint

I've tried redownloading, but that doesn't seem to help.
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 31 Jul 2009, 06:54

Keith99 wrote:One more question, I found this site (i think its sourceforge, something like that) and wanted to download and install a program called tuxpaint, but when it starts checking for dependencies it gives me this message: Error resolving dependencies Unable to resolve dependencies for some packages selected for installation. Details: Missing Dependency: SDL_ttf is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_Pango is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_mixer is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libpaper.so.1 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_Pango.so.1 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libpaper is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 is needed by package tuxpaint
Missing Dependency: SDL_image is needed by package tuxpaint

I've tried redownloading, but that doesn't seem to help.

Okay - two things.

1st - if you set up your repositories according to the 2nd link in my previous post, chances are you could just use Add/Remove Software to install tuxpaint. Adding the 3rd party repos adds a tremendous amount of pre-compiled software to YDL. The beautiful thing about using Add/Remove Software is that it also installs all the missing packages for you too. So - you could add Tuxpaint, and it would automatically add pango, paper, SDL, etc..

2nd - generally websites like sourceforge, etc. aren't too useful for the PS3, unless you're building code directly from the source. If you download an RPM, chances are they're for Intel (x86 or x86_64) processors. Those binaries won't run on the PowerPC (ppc) core of the Cell in your PS3.

You need to look for RPMs with the letters ppc, ppc32 or ppc64 in them. Any RPMs that have i386, i486, i586, i686, etc. won't work.

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Keith99 » 01 Aug 2009, 02:19

Alright, It installed perfectly(with the exception of some 'cannot verify file, are you sure you want to install' messages:D ). Thanks a lot, I now have a slight grasp on how linux works. Oh, and one mooore question (yeah, i never run out of questions): Where can i get that fluxbox thing, the interface that makes it feel fast? I looked around on google, and found a wiki on it, followed that to the main fluxbox site, then read that i should install the developmental version. But I wasn't sure which file to choose. I looked for a .ppc.rpm file(ppc because im on the ps3), but couldn't find one, so then i clicked on them all to see if the system would install it by default, but it kept using an archive manager. :?: And one more thing, is there a way to get the applications on sodaplay.com to run? thanks for all the help.

EDIT: i was browsing around in add/remove programs and found something called xfce, is this fluxbox, I didn't see it there before? Its description makes me think that it is, but im not sure.

EDIT 2: Well, I was all happy, thinking i had done it, and went to open up tux paint, and guess what happened this appeared:shock: :
Tux Paint stopped running unexpectedly
Error Information: An exit code of 126 was returned from tuxpaint
Output Data: There was no output
Error Logs: usr/bin/tuxpaint: cannot execute binary file
What should i do (reinstall?).

i searched the forums and read somewhere that this could mean it can't run on the ps3's ppe architecture. is there a site just for ps3 yellow dog linux software/programs?
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 01 Aug 2009, 06:38

Keith99 wrote: i was browsing around in add/remove programs and found something called xfce, is this fluxbox,

Nope - that's xfce. Fluxbox is different.

Keith99 wrote:Error Logs: usr/bin/tuxpaint: cannot execute binary file

i searched the forums and read somewhere that this could mean it can't run on the ps3's ppe architecture.

Correct. That's probably an Intel (x86) architecture binary.

Keith99 wrote:is there a site just for ps3 yellow dog linux software/programs?

Yes - but it's not a site. We add extra repos then use Add/Remove Software. No website required - YDL will automatically download and install the programs for you.

Remember this link I keep mentioning? Go there!! Do it!!! :lol:
Howto: Install software (the easy way) YDL 6

For Fluxbox, follow our board's instructions here:

If you - no let me rephrase that - SINCE you setup your repositories according to the previous link, you can install Fluxbox with Add/Remove Software.

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 01 Aug 2009, 06:47

Keith99 wrote:And one more thing, is there a way to get the applications on sodaplay.com to run?

You could start by installing IBM's Java. The built in Java in YDL is GCJ - an open-source, reverse engineered Java that doesn't work too well. (They install it by default because it's open source - it's part of the Red Hat/Fedora licensing that YDL is based on.)

Sun doesn't make a Java for PowerPC - that's why we use IBM's - besides - it's licensed from Sun. :D

Go here:
Please READ ME FIRST (known issues, useful links, and help)

and scroll down to the
How to install Java plugin for Firefox (YDL 6.0) Confirmed working on 6.1 also

You may need to make the IBM Java your default. An easy way to do that is by adding a symbolic link to the IBM Java executable to /usr/local/bin. If you install Java 6.0, the command from the terminal window - as root user would be:
ln -s /opt/ibm/java-ppc-60/jre/bin/java /usr/local/bin

You can verify that you set it up correctly with these two commands - again from the terminal window:

which java


java -version

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 01 Aug 2009, 07:47

Okay - I've finally had a chance to log into my PS3. It looks like a ppc version of tuxpaint is available from the Fedora-extras repo.

If you've installed it via a downloaded RPM already, you should uninstall it first.

Then, if you've setup your repositories according to that post I keep mentioning :D
You'll find it under the List tab under this name:
tuxpaint -1:0.9.16-4.fc6.ppc

UPDATE & NOTE: You will have to manually install timidity++ first. You can find the RPM you need here:
http://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/a ... .2.ppc.rpm

Then, you can either use Add/Remove Software as described above, or, from a command line as root user:
yum install tuxpaint


P.S. It works great - looks like a fun program! :D
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Jester » 01 Aug 2009, 11:31

I am currently logged in to my ps3 from my desktop, and I did a yum install of tuxpaint which worked just fine for me. when I ran it I got this error

warning: couldn't determine the current image's ID
The system error that occurred was: No such file or directory.

which I guess just means I didn't select something to open with tux paint, but since all I get remotely for now is a shell prompt I couldn't check out the program.
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 01 Aug 2009, 11:42

Jester wrote:I am currently logged in to my ps3 from my desktop, and I did a yum install of tuxpaint which worked just fine for me. when I ran it I got this error

warning: couldn't determine the current image's ID
The system error that occurred was: No such file or directory.

which I guess just means I didn't select something to open with tux paint, but since all I get remotely for now is a shell prompt I couldn't check out the program.

Oh yeah - it won't work with just a shell prompt. It needs graphic support.

Say - if you got SSH running, you should definitely check out this post I wrote:

If you get a free X Server - like Xming - for your PC - you can use SSH to tunnel X Protocol from your PS3 to your PC. What this means is that you can have the PS3's graphics on your PC.

This is not the same as VNC - VNC just clones your PS3s screen to your PC. Remote X Windows is a little like Microsoft's Remote Desktop - it sets up a new video device on your PS3 that involves a remote display. You can have your remote X session and a console session simultaneously.

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby ppietro » 01 Aug 2009, 12:09

Here's a howto for the default Xming mode:

http://www.cade.utah.edu/images/tutoria ... launch.pdf

If you're already using Putty to connect to your PS3, you don't have to install Xming's version. There's a guide on how to set that up here:


As for the xming you want to install:

is the main directory

There are two parts:

UPDATE NOTE: For some reason, you have to right click and "Save As..." these links. Source Forge messes up a direct browse.

1. The program - Xming
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/projec ... =softlayer

2. The Fonts - Xming-fonts
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/projec ... =softlayer

NOTE: Don't use xming-mesa. You might be temped to use that for OpenGL support - but Xming already supports your PCs OpenGL in hardware. Instead - Xming-mesa replaces your PC's hardware OpenGL with the Mesa software OpenGL. You only use that if your video card on your PC doesn't have OpenGL acceleration - which most do.

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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Jester » 01 Aug 2009, 13:08

tuxpaint via Xming. This is a pretty rad program. say Paul, could one use this to create a pixmap for a custom theme on fluxbox?
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby Keith99 » 01 Aug 2009, 19:47

Alright, I got tuxpaint working. I just uninstalled it, then searched tuxpaint in the add/remove thingy, and installed. I already had the timidity thing from the first install. Now I'm going to go and work on the Java and fluxbox.
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Re: Just got Yellow Dog Linux, couple questions

Postby bonedome » 01 Aug 2009, 20:59

fluxbox is also available from the repos, after installing, the next time you login go to sessions and click on fluxbox, a word of warning the version from the repos has a very basic menu read this viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3546 and copy the menu and other files you can then edit them as you please :D
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