Want to buy an NDSi console, with games.

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Want to buy an NDSi console, with games.

Postby aaronkwok.sf » 18 Sep 2009, 07:56

Any recommendations please? Where can I get a cheaper original NDSi console, together with games in cheaper price? I was wondering if I should get it from eBay or not since I don't know how long will it take to get the console? I want to buy one for my brother.
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Re: Want to buy an NDSi console, with games.

Postby ppietro » 18 Sep 2009, 10:27

aaronkwok.sf wrote:Any recommendations please? Where can I get a cheaper original NDSi console, together with games in cheaper price? I was wondering if I should get it from eBay or not since I don't know how long will it take to get the console? I want to buy one for my brother.

Sorry - this isn't a gaming site. This board is dedicated to Yellow Dog Linux - a Linux operating system that runs on PowerPC based computers like Mac G4 & G5, IBM BladeCenters and the PS3.

We can't help you with your question. Locking this thread to further postings.

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