YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

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YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby adrianomm » 31 Aug 2009, 16:11

Please someone can help me ?
I tried many time to boot YDL 6.2 install DVD in my PowerBook G4 17, 1.5GHz (ATI Mobility Radeon 9700) but don't work.
I tried to hold de C key in the startup but don't work and the computer load the Mac OS X installed.
I tried to hold the option key in the startup , the computer show me to disk option to load, the mac os x and the linux in the DVD. When I choose the Linux the computer screen blink and then show me the disk to choose for boot again . I can't never load the boot install.
I tried to boot from firmwire menu typing

boot cd:,\\yaboot

The computer start to load but not the linux install software. The computer start the Max OS X.

Please someone can help ? I don't know what to do and I really wish to install YDL in my powerbook.

Thanks a lot for any help
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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 31 Aug 2009, 18:56

adrianomm wrote:Please someone can help me ?
I tried many time to boot YDL 6.2 install DVD in my PowerBook G4 17, 1.5GHz (ATI Mobility Radeon 9700) but don't work.
I tried to hold de C key in the startup but don't work and the computer load the Mac OS X installed.
I tried to hold the option key in the startup , the computer show me to disk option to load, the mac os x and the linux in the DVD. When I choose the Linux the computer screen blink and then show me the disk to choose for boot again . I can't never load the boot install.
I tried to boot from firmwire menu typing

boot cd:,\\yaboot

The computer start to load but not the linux install software. The computer start the Max OS X.

Please someone can help ? I don't know what to do and I really wish to install YDL in my powerbook.

Thanks a lot for any help

The first thing to do is make sure you have a good disc.

If you downloaded an ISO, you need to verify your download. There is a program called SHA1SUM that will do this.

Basically, you run the SHA1SUM program on the ISO you download, and it generates a unique number. You can compare this number to the entry in this file:


A quick SHA1SUM howto is here:

Next - you need to make sure you burned the DVD correctly. You don't create a disc of an ISO - it must be from the ISO. We use a program called IMGBURN in windows to do this. If you're using a Mac, this is a way to do it:
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? ... 9181010389

In other words - if your DVD contains only one file - the ISO - it's incorrect.

Also - resist the temptation to open the ISO and burn the contents to disc. The ISO is not an ZIP archive - it's actually a snapshot of an entire drive, including boot sectors, etc. You need to create the disc from the ISO directly. This is usually referred to as "write image to disc" or words to that effect.

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby adrianomm » 31 Aug 2009, 20:44

Hi Paul

Thanks for answer.

I checked the checksum of the iso and is corret.
I burned the Iso corret too .

Have anthing else to try ??

Thanks again

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 31 Aug 2009, 21:15

adrianomm wrote:I checked the checksum of the iso and is corret.

Just to be clear - you mean you verified the SHA1SUM of the downloaded ISO, right?

adrianomm wrote:I burned the Iso corret too .

What program did you use to burn the ISO? It still sounds like your disc is missing boot sectors. Can you detail how you burned the disc? Something may leap out about your procedure.

adrianomm wrote:Have anthing else to try ??

Well - one other thing. We've had some issues with this for PS3.

If you're using DVD+RW or DVD-RW, try DVD-R or DVD+R instead. Also - you might want to try using a 1X burn speed.

Other than that - I don't have a Powerbook, so I can't help much further than this.

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby adrianomm » 31 Aug 2009, 22:52

Just to be clear - you mean you verified the SHA1SUM of the downloaded ISO, right?


What program did you use to burn the ISO? It still sounds like your disc is missing boot sectors. Can you detail how you burned the disc? Something may leap out about your procedure.

I burned first with Toast and not work and I tried with DiskUtility in the same way you post above.

If you're using DVD+RW or DVD-RW, try DVD-R or DVD+R instead. Also - you might want to try using a 1X burn speed.

I am using DVD-R with 2x speed, my dvd burner don't burn in 1x , the lowest speed is 2x.

Other than that - I don't have a Powerbook, so I can't help much further than this.

I tried find some help with the google, I found others peoples with the same problem but none have posted a solution :(

I hope I can find someone here with a solution for this problem.
I found a solution from another type of linux ( Debian I think) to copy some files from de DVD to the root of partition where in the Mac OS X is installed .
Startup the compuer in the command line called Open Firmware and then boot the installer from there.
But I am newbie with Linux , ( I wish to install YD for learning Linux) and I don't know what is the files I need to copy to my HD and the command to start up the installer from there ;(

Thanks a lot again for your replys Paul


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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 01 Sep 2009, 01:43

adrianomm wrote:I burned first with Toast and not work and I tried with DiskUtility in the same way you post above.

I know I'm repeating myself, but I just want to make sure.

I found a better guide to DiskUtility. You followed all the steps as illustrated here:
http://lifehacker.com/251758/mac-tip--h ... le-to-disc

and it's still not bootable? That doesn't seem right to me.

Just out of curiousity - where did you download the ISO? Which YDL mirror?

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby aguilarojo » 02 Sep 2009, 10:44

adrianomm wrote:Please someone can help me ?
I tried many time to boot YDL 6.2 install DVD in my PowerBook G4 17, 1.5GHz (ATI Mobility Radeon 9700) but don't work.
I tried to hold de C key in the startup but don't work and the computer load the Mac OS X installed.
I tried to hold the option key in the startup , the computer show me to disk option to load, the mac os x and the linux in the DVD. When I choose the Linux the computer screen blink and then show me the disk to choose for boot again . I can't never load the boot install.
I tried to boot from firmwire menu typing

boot cd:,\\yaboot

The computer start to load but not the linux install software. The computer start the Max OS X.

Please someone can help ? I don't know what to do and I really wish to install YDL in my powerbook.

Thanks a lot for any help

Hi Adriano:

Maybe I can help as I'm a longtime user living with running YDL on the Powerbook and Apple computers for a number of years. Before you proceed remember that you had to have partitioned your Powerbook internal drive so that one part is OS X and the other part is for YDL. This is a long and complex prepartory procedure all by itself. Instructions for doing that are here:


Look for the file: YDL v6.2 for Apple

When you double click upon it you will download a manual part of which discusses preparing the internal hard-drive in the Powerbook so that you can install YDL onto it. Understand that Disk Utility should be used from within the OS X DVD which came with your Powerbook -- when you are ready to create a new partition for OS X and a Linux partition. Understand also that before you begin you need to have already backed-up all your important documents which you use in OS X and that you have correctly calculated the sizes of all the applications and documents you have so that they will later all fit into a smaller amount of space on your hard-drive; in other words make sure that that smaller hard drive partition is actually large enough to fit all the applications and documents you will use in OS X. Also understand that you will have to reinstall all third party applications used in OS X, like MS Office, etc. and you will have to calculate so that all those third party applications have enough space to fit into the smaller area. Understand that in Disk Utility the partition for Linux will be formatted is called Free Space, and as large as you make that partition that is the partition the YDL installer (called Anaconda) will see and use. The Free Space partition created by Disk Utility is not the same as the ext3 filesystem used by YDL. Only Anaconda and other Linux tools (like mkfs or mkfs.ext3) can do that.

What follows is a brief review of the previous directions explained in this thread:

  • You acquired the official SHA1SUM value. I mean that you've made a note on your local computer of the entire SHA1SUM, not part of it. Explanation: This value represents a means of validation from the manufacturer (in this case the creator of the original ISO); that the ISO posted for download is a perfect original.
  • Before you burned your DVD, you did the following:

    1. Downloaded the ISO available and then ran the SHA1SUM test against the ISO file you downloaded. As an example here is the location of one ISO document at a particular server:

    For the sake of precision you are only interested in copying for later reference the SHA1SUM value associated with YDL 6.2, make sure you copy the entire line including the name because that name is supposed to be the exact name the DVD uses, after you complete the burn process.

    2. Executed the actual SHA1SUM test. One explanation for executing the test is here:

    Here is a representation of that file: sha1sum /[path]/[to]/[ydl].iso [ENTER]

    3. The correct way to execute this test within your Mac is to open the application called Terminal. You should find it in the Utilities folder of OS X. I would put it into the Dock just so it is easily available. Next be sure that you understand where on the mac the ISO you downloaded is located.

    Now open Terminal and type: sha1sum

    The very next thing you are going to do is use your mouse to select and grab -- moving that icon of the ISO file into the Terminal window and put it right after the "m" which ends sha1sum. The mac will place the location of the ISO file for you. This will happen very fast. Next just press the Enter key and wait.

    The mac will generate an ISO number. It is this number which you will compare against the value verified as belonging to the original perfect file. If any character or number does not exactly match the sequence of the original, you must throw away the ISO you downloaded and download a completely new ISO again.

    If you have to repeat this again do so as many times as necessary until the ISO you downloaded exactly matches every character and number in exactly the sequence shown in the original ISO of that perfect copy. When the sha1sum value exactly matches the sha1sum value of the original -- then that is the ISO you will burn onto DVD.

Let us imagine that you followed the above steps and you have burnt your DVD. How to get the Powerbook to see it? Ah, well here's another neat trick on the Powerbook. This time we start with the Powerbook in OS X. Slide the new DVD in and just make sure it mounts automatically with the same name of the original ISO - all by itself without you typing one thing. Remember that the name you see should match the name listed next to the original ISO you first saw back when we looked at the SHA1SUM value for the DVD at Oregon University. Ok, let us say this happens. Don't eject the DVD; instead powerdown the PB with the DVD inside or tell OS X to restart. Regardless of which command you use we are currently aiming to boot next into Openfirmware, not OS X. Just as the PB completes it's chime, but before the screen is activated press Command (Apple Clover) - option key - the f and o keys - simultaneously. The PB should then boot into OpenFirmware.

Openfirmware should be showing you the drives it recognizes as devices you can boot into. You will recognize the YDL DVD because a penguin will appear sitting on it's butt. Select it by moving the side arrows on your keyboard until that image is highlighted. Now press the Enter key.

The computer will boot into the YDL install disc. Follow the instructions the computer shows you. Remember to set up a root or System Administration password different from the user password. There is a discussion about that written by me and others discussing this elsewhere here within the YDL Board.

Good Luck...
Last edited by aguilarojo on 29 May 2012, 19:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby tkil » 15 Oct 2009, 03:19

I'm having exactly the same problem as adrianomm. I'm trying to install Linux on my 1GHz TiBook (Powerbook3,5). This machine has been running OSX successfully for years, and I'd like to use it as a low-power, low-impact "services" server (DNS, squid, version control for small projects, etc).

I downloaded 6.2 PPC, and verified the SHA1 sum. I burned it as an image via Disk Utility, and Disk Utility also successfully verified it after the burn. When I turned on the power (with the DVD-R in the mac) and held down C, it certainly made grunting noises -- but eventually booted up to OSX anyway.

Powering on with "Option" pressed got me to the "pick your boot device" menu, with OSX on the system HD and the penguin on the CD image; but if I selected the CD image and asked it to proceed, it simply displayed the same screen again but with artifacts (boot HD was blacked out, YDL boot image was pixelated as though it'd been masked with a checkerboard). Selecting and proceeding simply repeated this process.

Have others on this board successfully booted off the 6.2 images? It sounds like variations on this problem go back years (I found an instance from 2005, but that person was able to resolve it via the "Option" boot selector: viewtopic.php?t=911&f=7 )

Anyway. I'm currently reading the DVD image on the old mac, to make sure the new burner in my new mac is doing the right thing. I also originally burned a DVD+R; thinking that might be the issue, I burned a DVD-R as well. Both behaved exactly the same (and both were readable in the drive, once I booted into OSX).

The PowerBook itself has had a few modifications (newer/bigger HD, upgraded superdrive), and the latter could potentially be causing the issue -- but it should work fine for reading, shouldn't it? [It needed the one-time "PowerBurn"? hack to make it usable from Disk Utility / iTunes / iMovie etc])

Is there a bootable CD that would allow me to do a network install?

Any suggestions welcome at this point.
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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 15 Oct 2009, 05:39

tkil wrote:Have others on this board successfully booted off the 6.2 images? It sounds like variations on this problem go back years (I found an instance from 2005, but that person was able to resolve it via the "Option" boot selector: viewtopic.php?t=911&f=7 )

There may be issues with burning our ISO on Macs. See here:

It appears that the Mac doesn't burn the boot sectors on the discs properly - although I haven't confirmed this 100% yet, since I don't have a Mac. :(

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby tkil » 15 Oct 2009, 05:44

ppietro wrote:There may be issues with burning our ISO on Macs. See here:

It appears that the Mac doesn't burn the boot sectors on the discs properly - although I haven't confirmed this 100% yet.


Thanks for the info!

I'm pretty sure that I've burned bootable CDs / DVDs on the old mac; I don't know about the new mac. I'll experiment with burning another copy off a windows box later tonight.

Thanks again,
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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 15 Oct 2009, 09:05

tkil wrote:Thanks for the info!

I'm pretty sure that I've burned bootable CDs / DVDs on the old mac; I don't know about the new mac. I'll experiment with burning another copy off a windows box later tonight.

That would be great! As I said - I'm still sleuthing this out - so any information is most welcome. :D

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby tkil » 15 Oct 2009, 19:42

ppietro wrote:That would be great! As I said - I'm still sleuthing this out - so any information is most welcome. :D

Alas... I burned a DVD+R on the windows machine (after verifying SHA1 sum on the windows box to make sure I had a good transfer), and still no joy: same non-boot behavior as before.

The only difference I noticed between the Mac-burned and Windows-burned DVDs was in the icon (on 10.4, which is what's currently installed on the old lappy).

Mac-burned DVD+R: icon has a little "+R" under the DVD logo
Mac-burned DVD-R: icon has a little "-R" under the DVD logo
Windows-burned DVD+R: icon has the standard black "flattened dvd" under the logo

So... I don't know if that means anything, but it does show that *something* is different between how the mac burns DVD+R, and how windows burns the same ISO onto (same brand, same batch, same spindle) DVD+R. (Or it could be a difference in the burning HW, for all I know.)

Burning Mac: OS X 10.6.1, Disk Utility 11.5, HW: MacBookPro5,5 (stock)
Burning Windows: Vista SP2, Roxio Creator DE 9.0.116, HW: TSSTCorp DVD+-RW TS-H653A
Target Mac: OS X 10.4.11, HW: PowerBook3,5 (but Superdrive replaced with: MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-85JS)

None of the three DVDs are bootable, though. :(

I don't mind doing continued boot testing, but is there a way I can get YDL installed w/o bootable media?

I might still have the original Superdrive somewhere -- I replaced it when it started failing burns, but maybe it's good enough to read the boot media...

Anyway. Thanks for any more ideas!
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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby ppietro » 15 Oct 2009, 20:07

tkil wrote:
ppietro wrote:That would be great! As I said - I'm still sleuthing this out - so any information is most welcome. :D

Alas... I burned a DVD+R on the windows machine (after verifying SHA1 sum on the windows box to make sure I had a good transfer), and still no joy: same non-boot behavior as before.

The only difference I noticed between the Mac-burned and Windows-burned DVDs was in the icon (on 10.4, which is what's currently installed on the old lappy).

Mac-burned DVD+R: icon has a little "+R" under the DVD logo
Mac-burned DVD-R: icon has a little "-R" under the DVD logo
Windows-burned DVD+R: icon has the standard black "flattened dvd" under the logo

So... I don't know if that means anything, but it does show that *something* is different between how the mac burns DVD+R, and how windows burns the same ISO onto (same brand, same batch, same spindle) DVD+R. (Or it could be a difference in the burning HW, for all I know.)

Burning Mac: OS X 10.6.1, Disk Utility 11.5, HW: MacBookPro5,5 (stock)
Burning Windows: Vista SP2, Roxio Creator DE 9.0.116, HW: TSSTCorp DVD+-RW TS-H653A
Target Mac: OS X 10.4.11, HW: PowerBook3,5 (but Superdrive replaced with: MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-85JS)

None of the three DVDs are bootable, though. :(

I don't mind doing continued boot testing, but is there a way I can get YDL installed w/o bootable media?

I might still have the original Superdrive somewhere -- I replaced it when it started failing burns, but maybe it's good enough to read the boot media...

Anyway. Thanks for any more ideas!


If you feel like burning discs - there's one more thing to try. We have the best luck with a program called IMGBURN. It's a free Windows utility that you can use to burn ISOs.

You would follow the procedure here:

Also - just to be sure - you're not opening this ISO in any way, right? You're creating the discs directly from the ISO? You don't have any kind of utility that's interpreting the ISO beforehand, right? Like some sort of Windows auto-disc mounter, or dynamic ZIP?

This is sure a puzzler. Thanks for your help!

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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby tkil » 16 Oct 2009, 03:26

ppietro wrote:If you feel like burning discs - there's one more thing to try. We have the best luck with a program called IMGBURN. It's a free Windows utility that you can use to burn ISOs.

Yes, I've used ImgBurn before (it worked to burn a video DVD when the bundled s/w failed on my wife's HP...)

Just tried using it to burn the 6.2 DVD image: still no boot in the PowerBook. Icon is the same as that produced by Roxio Creator.

ppietro wrote:Also - just to be sure - you're not opening this ISO in any way, right? You're creating the discs directly from the ISO? You don't have any kind of utility that's interpreting the ISO beforehand, right? Like some sort of Windows auto-disc mounter, or dynamic ZIP?

None whatsoever. Original download was to my new MacBook Pro, and that's where I did the first ISO SHA1sum verification (and used Disk Utilities from 10.6.1 to burn a DVD+R and a DVD-R). Then I used netcat to send the ISO over to the windows box, where I verified the SHA1sum again, then tried burning it (onto DVD+R both times, but once with Roxio and the last time with ImgBurn).

So I'm confident that I'm doing it right. (More to the point, I know that I've used Roxio to create bootable DVDs, as I've burned various Fedora x86-32 and x86-64 images on that machine.)

ppietro wrote:This is sure a puzzler. Thanks for your help!

Sure, I just wish I could help more. If I get the opportunity, I'll try to put the old SuperDrive back in to the PowerBook (and likely try booting with the DVD-R version, just to reduce any possible incompatibilities with DVD+R).

I could probably go back to an earlier version of YDL for at least the initial load, if you think that might help me. (The TiBook has been pretty well supported for years, IIRC.)

Thanks again,
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Re: YDL 6.2 DVD don't boot in my PBG4

Postby tkil » 30 Oct 2009, 03:30

Just tried an ImgBurn version of the 6.1 image, same issue as before ("option" boot would show me both images, but selecting the CD-ROM/Tux image would just immediately display the same screen again, but with some pixel glitching).

So that's not working either.

Is there no way to do a network install, or to do an install from within OSX?

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