How to change display resolution on G5 Xserve ?

Architecture specific questions.

How to change display resolution on G5 Xserve ?

Postby prussell » 25 Jan 2006, 13:41

I just installed YDL 4.0.1 on a G5 Xserve and everything went reasonably smoothly, except it's stuck on 640x480 resolution. If I switch to the monitor's native resolution (1280x1024) then X won't start up and I have to restore /etc/X11/XF86Config to get things working again.

I could just about live with 640x480 if I had to, but I can't get at the buttons on some of the windows in KDevelop, so I have to find a solution for this.
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Postby svanarts » 09 Feb 2006, 06:48

What I did is to login as root at the text login prompt then run Xautoconfig (I think it's called that.) Then I ran startx. After that I was able to bump the resolution up a bit at a time.
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Postby prussell » 09 Feb 2006, 08:54

Thanks - I had so many problems with YDL and Y-HPC that I've dumped it now in favour of OpenSUSE 10, which seems to work a lot better.
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