YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Postby CountRaven » 20 Dec 2011, 18:14


I installed MAME through bodega. On my YDL 6.2 system (all updates done).

PS3 fat FirmWare 3.15.

I am under GNOME.

I also using M+GUI front end....

My screen res. is 1900x1200 -mode 13 on ps3video settings-

I guess that this MAMe executable that is installed in my system is SDLMAME and I am sure aboout it cause the basic interface of the program when it is executed from command line is the same with SDLMAME tha tI have installed on my PowerMac.

But unfortunately all the games that I tried to run, are running very slow and the sound is some kind of corrupted.

Any help with this?

Also is it possible to use SixAxis with MAME? I cam across some topics but I did not do anything described in there cause I have installed the kernel update that fixes the blue tooth issues. So I want to know which method I should use as long as I have this update installed.

Also I have installed XMAME.SDL is it better to use this one?

ISDL MAME is pretty fast and playable on my PPC macs.

Any hope for the ps3?

Does this have to do with the mame.ini file? f yes.. is there an ideal one stored anywhere?

EDIT: I managed to get sixaxis work, enabling it through the M+GUI options, however mame is still very slow and unplayable. Running ame form command line sixaxis still work without even adding the -sixaxis option on command line.... so I guess this is activated by default? I even do not noticed a sixaxis 1 on the mame.ini

EDIT: Tried from command line without using the mame.ini generated by M+GUI... The speed is still slow -although some kind of faster, the sound is sitll corrupt it plays with delays-.....
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby billb » 20 Dec 2011, 21:17

Which games are running too slow? You can expect most games created up until the early 90's to run OK. Almost no games which require .chd files are playable. Also, be sure you have autoframeskip enabled in your mame.ini file, as well as multithreading.

Background tasks -- especially Firefox with the Flash-alternative Gnash running and displaying a page with Flash on it, or automatic updates running in the background -- can really slow things down as well.

There are some other tricks you can use to speed things up like running the games in native resolution and using fscaler or spescaler to "zoom in" -- since we don't have accelerated video this can help quite a bit in some cases.

If you're really interested in running emulators on your PS3 with the least amount of trouble and the best performance, check out "The Zerogame Project" -- see here. Over 40 platforms are supported and everything is already configured for you -- you just need to provide the roms and in some cases bios files.

xmame.SDL is faster in some cases but you'll find that some games lack sound, and with xmame no longer being updated it's based on a much older version of mame so you need a different set of roms for it.
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 20 Dec 2011, 21:34

Thanks for your quick and detailed answer.

I have tried Zerogame but it was overwritten upon my YDL install and I have to re install the system from Scratch :)

I will check the forum, I was not away of its existence, thanks.

I mainly interested to run emulator sin my Linux Ps3. Neo Geo is my peak and MAME as well. Is anything special dedicated about Neo Geo? think I have noticed a Neo Geo emulator... but I need to confirm this.

Back on the basic stuff:

No other tasks are running while I am running MAME.

Also, be sure you have autoframeskip enabled in your mame.ini file, as well as multithreading.

How I enable those options? I guess by adding an 1 option but in which section on the files should I put those options?

Is there any sample of mame.ini file? For me to check?

EDIT: found the sixaxis option in the mame.ini file, it is included but I have not noticed it from first.
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 20 Dec 2011, 23:24

Ok I fixed the issue switching some performance options on mame.ini.

Here is my mame.ini file for anyone interested.

See stuff in bold.

writeconfig 0

rompath /media/disk/MameUI32/roms
samplepath samples
artpath artwork
ctrlrpath ctrlr
inipath $HOME/.mame;.;ini;/home/ps3/.mame/ini
fontpath .
cheatpath cheat
crosshairpath crosshair

cfg_directory cfg
nvram_directory nvram
memcard_directory memcard
input_directory inp
state_directory sta
snapshot_directory snap
diff_directory diff
comment_directory comments

autosave 0
snapname %g/%i
snapsize auto
snapview internal
burnin 0

autoframeskip 1
frameskip 0
seconds_to_run 0
throttle 1
sleep 1
speed 1.00
refreshspeed 0

rotate 1
ror 0
rol 0
autoror 0
autorol 0
flipx 0
flipy 0

artwork_crop 0
use_backdrops 1
use_overlays 1
use_bezels 1

brightness 1.0
contrast 1.0
gamma 1.0
pause_brightness 0.65
effect none

antialias 1
beam 1.0
flicker 0

sound 1
samplerate 48000
samples 1
volume 0

coin_lockout 1
mouse 0
joystick 1
lightgun 0
multikeyboard 0
multimouse 0
steadykey 0
offscreen_reload 0
joystick_map auto
joystick_deadzone 0.3
joystick_saturation 0.85
natural 0
uimodekey auto

paddle_device keyboard
adstick_device keyboard
pedal_device keyboard
dial_device keyboard
trackball_device keyboard
lightgun_device keyboard
positional_device keyboard
mouse_device mouse

log 0
verbose 0
update_in_pause 0
debug 0
debug_internal 0

cheat 0
skip_gameinfo 0

oslog 0

multithreading 1
numprocessors auto
sdlvideofps 1
nativeres 1

video soft
numscreens 1
window 0
maximize 1
keepaspect 1
unevenstretch 1
centerh 1
centerv 1
waitvsync 0
scalemode none

filter 1
prescale 1
gl_forcepow2texture 0
gl_notexturerect 0
gl_vbo 1
gl_pbo 1
gl_glsl 0
gl_glsl_filter 1
glsl_shader_mame0 none
glsl_shader_mame1 none
glsl_shader_mame2 none
glsl_shader_mame3 none
glsl_shader_mame4 none
glsl_shader_mame5 none
glsl_shader_mame6 none
glsl_shader_mame7 none
glsl_shader_mame8 none
glsl_shader_mame9 none
glsl_shader_screen0 none
glsl_shader_screen1 none
glsl_shader_screen2 none
glsl_shader_screen3 none
glsl_shader_screen4 none
glsl_shader_screen5 none
glsl_shader_screen6 none
glsl_shader_screen7 none
glsl_shader_screen8 none
glsl_shader_screen9 none
gl_glsl_vid_attr 0

screen auto
aspect auto
resolution auto
view auto
screen0 auto
aspect0 auto
resolution0 auto
view0 auto
screen1 auto
aspect1 auto
resolution1 auto
view1 auto
screen2 auto
aspect2 auto
resolution2 auto
view2 auto
screen3 auto
aspect3 auto
resolution3 auto
view3 auto

switchres 1
useallheads 1

audio_latency 3

keymap 0
keymap_file keymap.dat

joy_idx1 auto
joy_idx2 auto
joy_idx3 auto
joy_idx4 auto
joy_idx5 auto
joy_idx6 auto
joy_idx7 auto
joy_idx8 auto
sixaxis 1

videodriver auto
audiodriver auto
gl_lib auto
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 08 Jan 2012, 16:09

Still I am not happy with my MAME experience on PS3.

I am running YDL in 11 Ps3VideoMode. To get a low resolution.

In full screen mode.

But I am still getting a game in full screen but with lots of pixels.

If I turn the option "switch resolution to fit" off, I get a full screen mode but with a very SMALL game area -a little box n the middle of a black screen-. Yes, The resolution becomes too small -in full screen mode-. With the option enabled the game picture fits on screen but this is a pixel madness :((((

Is it any way to get a good resolution with no pixels? -I do not mind borders I do not want the game to fit totally in full screen if it is not possible, but I want a good quality picture with no pixels-.


ps. see my ini file in previous post for settings.

edit: also on 1900x1200 mode -13- there is some screen blinking maybe on the down part of the screen a black bar coming and going.... on modes 12 and 11 it does not appear... any suggestions?
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby billb » 08 Jan 2012, 23:11

What we're doing on "Zerogame" is running a script which detects the selected game's native resolution (based on the output from mame) and then using fscaler to zoom in an appropriate amount without going over the current screen resolution. This requires use of the unofficial "nativeres" option in the mame builds hosted on ps3bodega and zerogame repos (without that option the games will always be scaled to fit the screen). You have that option enabled in your posted .ini file.

Using the "nativeres" option will cause the game to display at whatever it's native resolution was -- usually quite a bit lower than your screen resolution. With "nativeres" turned off, mame would normally scale the game to fit the screen -- requiring some additional CPU time. scaler or fscaler uses the Cell's SPEs to handle the scaling instead of the PPE so you get a slight performance increase.

An early version of that script is included in the mame package on ps3bodega (it installs to /usr/bin/ but I haven't used it in quite a while. Usage should be: [name of game (gallag, mpatrol, dkong, etc)]

Example: dkong
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 09 Jan 2012, 08:32

Should I leave the nativeres option to 1? before trying this script?
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 09 Jan 2012, 09:09

The script does not seem to work... game still runs in a very small res, some syntax errors and some command not found messages appear: msh
/usr/bin/ line 14: xdpyinfo: command not found
X11 display width:
X11 display height:
Game's screen width: 384
Game's screen height: 224
/usr/bin/ line 52: /384: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/384")
/usr/bin/ line 53: /224: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/224")
Optimal integer X scaling factor:
Optimal integer Y scaling factor:
/usr/bin/ line 60: scaler: command not found
scaler: no process killed

Would LOVE to install ZeroGame but I do not want this to be overwritten upon my Linux Install.

Is it a way to install it and run it as an application?

yeap the last time I installed it, it was overwritten upon my Linux install and I was unable to go on my desktop etc....
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby billb » 09 Jan 2012, 12:40

CountRaven wrote:The script does not seem to work... game still runs in a very small res, some syntax errors and some command not found messages appear:

Ah... it's missing a couple of commands -- xdpyinfo and scaler. xdpyinfo is used to find the current screen resolution and scaler is used to do the "zooming in" on the center of the screen. So, you'd need to run yum install xorg-x11-utils scaler to install both of those first. And yes, you'd want nativeres enabled when you run it.

Would LOVE to install ZeroGame but I do not want this to be overwritten upon my Linux Install.

Is it a way to install it and run it as an application?

yeap the last time I installed it, it was overwritten upon my Linux install and I was unable to go on my desktop etc....

The install process for Zerogame, at least for version 0.53 and above, doesn't overwrite any part of your install. It only sets up a software repository, blocks a few packages from the ps3bodega repo (since it depends on specific versions of snes9x-gtk and mame), and creates a new user ("zerogame") where all the config files go. You can install and continue logging in under your regular username without seeing any difference.

The version posted all over "" (0.51 or 0.52, I think) does make system-wide changes and I wouldn't recommend using it for that reason. Since I've taken over updating it I've gone to a lot of effort to keep it from making such changes.

This is the install guide for the latest release: ... f=31&t=690

Some more details about what actually gets installed are here: ... f=31&t=717
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 10 Jan 2012, 20:00

ZeroGame installs and runs fine.

I copy some ROM files from my external files to the ROM path of MAME @ ZeroGame -gamefiles/roms/mame-I copy the file as well -yes this is Neo Geo Stuff-.

The games would show up on the list, the loading would start but after some seconds I would take an error message that game files are not found.

The ROMS are tested to work ok with SDL Mame on Ps3-YDL and MacOSX, also on MAME32 PC.

The fact that the titles would appear in the list means that the roms are detected, but what?????

I copy the .ZIP files of the ROMS.


would be cool to be able to access my external hard disk with ROMS via ZeroGame, I change the path into mame.ini but I would take no ROMS in the list and after some search I discover that under Zerogames I got no rights to access my external Hard Disk -under File Manager-.

Any help with all this stuff PLEASE?
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby billb » 11 Jan 2012, 17:11

Will try to help out this evening when I'm in front of my PS3. :wink:

If you're able to play those Neo Geo games by launching MAME manually then it may just be a path issue.

Also, the way mame games get added to the game list on Wah!Cade is different than most of the other platforms. You have to go to Options -> Game List Options -> Generate List which will clear the existing list, then restart Wah!Cade/Zerogame. It will recreate the list on startup. It was done this way to speed things up when there are 1000's of games in the folder.

I'd prefer to answer questions re: Zerogame over here instead: ... m.php?f=31
PS3 60GB [CECHA01], FW 3.15, YDL 6.2, Samsung T260HD @ 1920x1200
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Re: MAME on YDL?

Postby CountRaven » 12 Jan 2012, 05:28

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