installing programs

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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installing programs

Postby flavindapple » 09 Dec 2006, 02:35

sorry for the mixup however i need help installing programs not the os. i already have yellow dog installed. the software says something about not being able to find info for the file ofr something. for more info check my installing problem post i made before.
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Postby StarKnight83 » 09 Dec 2006, 15:10

if its networked then just run "yum install *program_name*" yum is the package management program for ydl
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Postby flavindapple » 09 Dec 2006, 16:04

do i need to type out the file location or what?
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Postby dLp » 09 Dec 2006, 18:48

flavindapple wrote:do i need to type out the file location or what?

no... yum is the package manager. it will hit the net and grab it, then install.

are you attempting to install something you downloaded? if so... what?

and damn... i apologize. i must have replied to your original post half awake. i know i originally read installing the os. sorry about that. just disregard my post there.
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Postby flavindapple » 09 Dec 2006, 19:04

im trying to install anything. flash player, shockwave, wine. is there a specification to what i can install. most of the things i tried to run are .rmp and is compatale with fedora. sorry if this is a stupid question but im still new to this.

p.s. is fedora on ps3 as fast as yellow dog. and if not how much slower is it.
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Postby flavindapple » 09 Dec 2006, 20:39

heres more info. i download the rpm to my desktop. then i double click and it takes me to the install software area. after clicking install. it says exactly this: Unable to retrieve software information. This could be caused by not having a network connection available. how do i fix this?
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Postby n1co35 » 11 Dec 2006, 16:08

flavindapple wrote:im trying to install anything. flash player, shockwave, wine. is there a specification to what i can install. most of the things i tried to run are .rmp and is compatale with fedora. sorry if this is a stupid question but im still new to this.

p.s. is fedora on ps3 as fast as yellow dog. and if not how much slower is it.

im not sure whether it is faster or not but, however fedora 5 wasnt made for the ps3 in mind. so u might be better of with ydl. but then again who am i to say. because im new to linux.
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Postby JoeVolcano » 16 Dec 2006, 00:14

Yes, there really need to be a head-to-head summary of all the working packages between YDL and Fedora. Personally Id like to see the next distro of SUSE Linux support PS3 because that pretty much comes with every application you've listed, built in.
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Postby thedevilsjester » 16 Dec 2006, 00:54

flavindapple wrote:im trying to install anything. flash player, shockwave, wine. is there a specification to what i can install. most of the things i tried to run are .rmp and is compatale with fedora. sorry if this is a stupid question but im still new to this.

p.s. is fedora on ps3 as fast as yellow dog. and if not how much slower is it.

You need to realize that you are running on a Cell proccessor (which for all intents and purposes is PPC64). So any software you want to install must be for that CPU.

To the best of my knowledge there is no Flash or Shockwave for Linux PPC64, so you are SOL there.

As for Wine, you wont get that to compile on PPC64 either, only x86 distros.

As for an RPM you downloaded, did you make sure that its an RPM for PPC64 and not for x86? Yes it matters.

There shouldnt be any reason that most of the Fedora packages dont work, assuming that you are using a PPC64 package.

Otherwise why not just download the source code for the program and compile it manually, that way you know its for PPC64.
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Postby flavindapple » 17 Dec 2006, 19:21

i just now downloaded a snes emulatror that is a yellow dog powerpc64 installer and when i go to install it says Unable to retrieve software information. This could be caused by not having a network connection available. and i know i have a network connection available because i'm online surfing the internet on my ps3 right now.
and i'm sorry but this is my first time using linux so i don't know how to compile software manualy if you have a guide to show how to compile software i would appreciate it.
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Postby thedevilsjester » 17 Dec 2006, 21:37

flavindapple wrote:i just now downloaded a snes emulatror that is a yellow dog powerpc64 installer and when i go to install it says Unable to retrieve software information. This could be caused by not having a network connection available. and i know i have a network connection available because i'm online surfing the internet on my ps3 right now.
and i'm sorry but this is my first time using linux so i don't know how to compile software manualy if you have a guide to show how to compile software i would appreciate it.

Extract the source code into a folder, navigate to that folder in a console, and type the following (as root)

./configure && make && make install

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Postby geterman » 24 Dec 2006, 23:11

I dont understand... :cry:
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Postby thedevilsjester » 28 Dec 2006, 02:27

I really dont know how I could explain it any clearer.

I am assuming you have basic computer knowledge because you did manage to navigate to these forums, sign up, and post a question.

With that in mind, I assume you know how to extract a compressed file into a folder of your choice. You wouldnt get very far even using Windows if you didnt know how to do this.

If the above assumptions are not correct, then go, learn how thats done, and come back.

Back? Ok let me reexplain.

Open a console. This can be done many ways, the first of which is by pressing Ctrl+F1. In most distributions that will put you in a full screen console. The second and probably easier for you to learn, is to open a program (usually by the name of Console, Konsole, or Terminal)

Either way you will be presented with a black "dos/unix" like screen. Using the standard command "cd" for "change directory", navigate to the directory you extracted those files into. An example of this would be:

cd /home/myydl/Desktop/MyFolder

If there is a folder called src or source in MyFolder, then go into that one, otherwise stay in MyFolder.

All thats needed after that is to Copy and Paste what I typed earlier, into the console, and hit enter.

This is actually a Quick and Easy process that takes a few seconds at most (not counting compile time), once you learn it that is.
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Postby UnReal-4-Life » 29 Dec 2006, 06:33

thedevilsjester wrote:I really dont know how I could explain it any clearer.

I am assuming you have basic computer knowledge because you did manage to navigate to these forums, sign up, and post a question.

With that in mind, I assume you know how to extract a compressed file into a folder of your choice. You wouldnt get very far even using Windows if you didnt know how to do this.

If the above assumptions are not correct, then go, learn how thats done, and come back....:shock: ....

Wow you are a real jerk dude. Ive been working with PC computers for years and now I'm learning linux too and I'm a super "Linux" newbie also. Every little bit of info helps. Linux is not really user friendly its more for PowerUsers. But sence it came out for PS3 I thought I would start to learn just for fun and see what becomes of it. If I had to learn linux from you I wouldn't do it.

Now thedevilsjester go play on the highway and when your done come back and I will reexplain. :twisted:
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Postby StarKnight83 » 29 Dec 2006, 09:14

Basically most of the programs you download wont run. You'll either need to use the builtin installer/package manager or compile it from sourcecode.
I've got a decent tutorial on compiling the source code in the faq section. Otherwise if you want to use program that TSS has tested and compiled to run on the distro you'll need to use yum
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