Games that work well in YDL on PS3

YDL running on the Sony Playstation 3

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Games that work well in YDL on PS3

Postby billb » 15 May 2007, 15:23

So many games, so little time...

So far I have tried:

It was good to see the classic Mario game running once again! And Legend of Zelda, DK Country, Prince of Persia, etc. I had to wrestle the controller away from 6 yr old dd she liked playing Mario and DK so much.

For some reason the square button on the PS3 controller does not work in the games although it maps properly in the config screen. The Logitech cordless Wingmnan Rumblepad 2 works great. I normally run at 1280x1024 but the game window is so small I find it is faster to play in 720p or 480p instead of scaling it to larger window.

This was the first emulator I tried, and of course it works great. In my opinion, Gauntlet plays just as well here as it does in the Playstation Store version I purchased. It looks more "authentic" when you add scanlines.

The SDL version is faster than the x version. I didn't try playing anything newer than the original Mortal Kombat, but it appeared to run at full speed with no problems.

The Commodore 64 was my first computer and there are a number of games I was fond of ... Jumpman, Archon, Adventure Construction Set, Mail Order Monsters, Temple of Apshai, Racing Destruction Set, Below the Root, Questron, the Phantasie series, etc.

VICE / X64 works well. I didn't try joystick support. I couldn't get Frodo to work, and I haven't messed with running anything in xmess.

I eventually moved from the C64 to the Amiga 500 and the first game I played was an improved version of Adventure Construction Set. Turrican 2, Stunt Car Racer, Defender of the Crown, Faery Tale, The Bard's Tale, and many others were favorites.

The E-UAE Amiga emulator works great with the default settings (provided you set the location of the ROM and disk images in the GUI) ... you can find the PPC binary here:

Many DOS games work fine in this emulator. Ragnarok / Valhalla is an excellent "Roguelike" game that runs perfectly here. I also tried Roadwar 2000 and Wizard's Crown from SSI and they worked fine as well, although the C64 versions were better. Even the Apple II versions were better. ;-)

I tried to run Duke Nukem 3D and the screen froze once I tried to play, although I could still here the sounds of the game in the background. I haven't tried any other action or 3D games on it, yet.

All of the above are emulators, but I have tried a couple of "native" games:

Ur-Quan Masters
A port of Star Control II, an excellent game that works great in YDL on the PS3. "Launch fighters ... Launch fighters ... Launch fighters ..."

Doom / PrBoom
Looks good, runs good.

Being a newbie to Linux is the main thing holding me back from trying more native Linux games. When compiling from source files and things don't go perfectly I'm pretty much lost at this point.

What games or emulators have you tried?

Last edited by billb on 16 May 2007, 15:19, edited 1 time in total.

Postby JiZames » 16 May 2007, 01:39

So far, I've just tried SNES9x. Speed is decent, but sound is pretty bad. =( Which version of MAME and DOSBOX did you use? I'm still pretty clueless to YDL, but I'm trying to learn little by little. Is it possible if you could explain how to get them to work?
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Postby billb » 16 May 2007, 06:34

I am just learning as I go as well. The version of DOSBox I have installed is 0.70 and xmame is 0.106. xmame.SDL is 0.79.1.

In snes9xexpress I have "Filters" unchecked and both "Thread Sound" and "play it loud" checked on the Sound tab and it sounds fine.

If you're running xmame from the command line use the switch -dp oss to correct the sound problem (for example: xmame -dp oss gauntlet). Using the GXmame frontend is much easer, though.

Generally I just search for games in the package manager (Add/Remove software) or search the web for installation guides and go from there.

Postby JiZames » 16 May 2007, 23:33

billb wrote:I am just learning as I go as well. The version of DOSBox I have installed is 0.70 and xmame is 0.106. xmame.SDL is 0.79.1.

In snes9xexpress I have "Filters" unchecked and both "Thread Sound" and "play it loud" checked on the Sound tab and it sounds fine.

If you're running xmame from the command line use the switch -dp oss to correct the sound problem (for example: xmame -dp oss gauntlet). Using the GXmame frontend is much easer, though.

Generally I just search for games in the package manager (Add/Remove software) or search the web for installation guides and go from there.

Wow. oddly enough, I guess I didn't try the combination of thread sound/play it loud. The sound is pretty much perfect now!

I got mame and yup, it's damn good if I say so myself, in fact, better than SNES9x in my opinion. I also installed DosBox but I wish I could somehow stretch the screen, since going full screen doesn't cut it. I'm still trying to figure out how to install other types of isn't easy. lol
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Postby billb » 17 May 2007, 02:03

Wow. oddly enough, I guess I didn't try the combination of thread sound/play it loud. The sound is pretty much perfect now!

Looking at it again, it appears the "Thread Sound" option is what makes the biggest difference. I am getting some kind of static / background noise when in some areas on Legend of Zelda. I tried various options but couldn't fix it.

I also installed DosBox but I wish I could somehow stretch the screen, since going full screen doesn't cut it.

I tried changing options in dosbox.cfg but nothing would affect the window size or the size in "full" screen, so no luck here, either.

I edited my original post to include a link to E-UAE, an Amiga emulator that is pretty easy to install (no compiling!) and works great.

Postby billb » 20 May 2007, 01:00

A correction on changing options in dosbox.cfg ...

Changing the scaler setting under the [render] section will increase the screen size in games. I just didn't notice it at first because it doesn't affect the DOSBox window until you run a game.

For example, scaler=advinterp3x and scaler=rgb3x both work well and give you a much larger screen size in games.

After playing with a few other settings I got Duke Nukem 3D running at a playable speed. Rise of the Triad also works fine. These games are available for download from

Under the [cpu] section, core=simple seemed to help a lot.

I'm surprised this is working so well -- DOSBox is a great program! If Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad work, you could probably run most any DOS game on your PS3.

Postby F-Man » 20 May 2007, 05:03

Anyone has fceu working properly? It used to be fine, but now, it plays at 1 frame per 5 seconds, unless I disable sound.
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Postby billb » 22 May 2007, 23:53

F-Man wrote:Anyone has fceu working properly? It used to be fine, but now, it plays at 1 frame per 5 seconds, unless I disable sound.

What version of FCEU are you using? I tried FCE Ultra 0.98.12 with a Donkey Kong ROM and it worked fine at full speed.

Postby billb » 23 May 2007, 01:05

I tried qemu and got Duke Nukem 3D to run about 3 times faster than it does under DOSBox -- an average of 15 FPS instead of 5 FPS with the max screen size. I couldn't get the sound to work, though. Rise of the Triad runs much smoother also, but again I had problems with sound.

Warcraft II runs under DOSBox 0.70 but it was slow when trying to scroll around the map. I didn't try it in qemu.

I'm still figuring out how to use qemu at this point, but it looks promising. I wonder what the speed in Windows 2000 is like?

Postby F-Man » 23 May 2007, 16:24

billb wrote:
F-Man wrote:Anyone has fceu working properly? It used to be fine, but now, it plays at 1 frame per 5 seconds, unless I disable sound.

What version of FCEU are you using? I tried FCE Ultra 0.98.12 with a Donkey Kong ROM and it worked fine at full speed.

I tried all three versions available on its site, although I'm not sure if I did the best thing when going from one to the other, I just deleted the binary file and built again. What's the best way to completely remove an app installed from source anyway?
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Postby billb » 25 May 2007, 05:51

I tried all three versions available on its site, although I'm not sure if I did the best thing when going from one to the other, I just deleted the binary file and built again. What's the best way to completely remove an app installed from source anyway?

Other than just deleting the binary from the folder it is installed in (usually /usr/local/bin in my limited experience) I don't know.

I did finally get Qemu 0.9.0 built with adlib support enabled (for sound in DOS games) -- Duke Nukem 3D runs at 10-20 frames / second (depends on location in the game) with near perfect sound and music at max screen size / high detail / 320 x 200.

Windows 98se is a bit sluggish but it works fine, including Internet Explorer 6. I have read that Windows 2000 is faster on Qemu, but I tried Win98 first since I figured it would be easier to get games running that way.
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Postby billb » 20 Jun 2007, 04:01

Adding to the list of emulators that run great in YDL on PS3, you can play all your old Atari 2600 games using Stella ( I had to compile it from source, but didn't run into any problems.

You will likely need some additional development libraries such as SDL-devel installed (look in Add/Remove Programs) to compile this emulator.

Here are the steps I took to get it working (I'm using a GNOME desktop):

Download the file stella-2.3.5-src.tar.gz from the "Stable Releases" section on the Sourceforge Stella site linked above, and extract the folder to the desktop.

Open a terminal window and move to the new folder.

Code: Select all
$  cd Desktop/stella-2.3.5

Enter the following commands (the make part will take a while):

Code: Select all
$  ./configure

$  make

At this point you'll need root privileges, so enter the following command if you're not already logged in as root:

Code: Select all
$  su

And then run this command:

Code: Select all
$  make install

That should install the binary in the /usr/local/bin folder.

If you used the su command above to gain root privilege, you no longer need it, so use the exit command to go back to normal.

Move to the /usr/local/bin folder and run stella:

Code: Select all
$  cd /usr/local/bin

$  stella

That should bring up the Stella 2.3.5 window. Now you select an Atari 2600 ROM file which may be a .BIN or .A26 file. There are some legal (and not so legal) ROMs available on various sites. Once you load a game, the F2 key starts the game.

This user guide provides info on how to install and use Stella:

Not surpisingly, the Atari 2600 games I have tried ran at full speed. There appeared to be a problem with collision detection in Adventure -- I could walk right through dragons. Everything worked fine in Pitfall II, though.
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Postby billb » 24 Jun 2007, 20:48

This site has some games, emulators and other software not found in the Fedora or Livna repos:

Dribble Repository (

The ones to use for YDL 5.0 are listed under PPC FC5:
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Postby ValkyrieStation » 02 Jul 2007, 02:41

This topic deserves a sticky in my opinion. Great work billb.
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Postby F-Man » 04 Jul 2007, 02:36

billb wrote:This site has some games, emulators and other software not found in the Fedora or Livna repos:

Dribble Repository (

The ones to use for YDL 5.0 are listed under PPC FC5:

Nice one. Mednafen was listed there and picked my interest especially for its GBA emulation. Trying to run it with -vdriver 1 (SDL framebuffer) only seems to give a black screen with no sound though.

Also I got fceu to work correctly again after I reinstalled YDL. I think the problem was because I had to install alsa-oss, which the latest version of Gnome FCEU said I needed (I wasn't using the latest version before).
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